Xavier Rodier
Le logiciel OH_FET pour l’analyse des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée
L’objectif de l’atelier est de proposer aux participants d’utiliser le logiciel OH_FET à partir de leurs jeux de données. Développé comme un logiciel libre, il rend accessible les outils d’analyses correspondant au modèle pour l’étude des villes à partir d’un jeu de données en entrée avec une structuration peu contraignante. Son utilisation est possible pour n’importe quel espace urbain à partir d’un ensemble d’objets historiques décrit par un terme dans un thésaurus, une géométrie et une chronologie sous la forme d’une date d’apparition et d’une date de disparition. Sur cette base, l’application effectue les déconstructions spatiale et temporelle préconisées par le modèle OH_FET et produit…
Modélisation de l’information spatio-temporelle
International audience
Study of the urban dynamics by a new computer application, OH-FET
International audience; The study of the urban fabric and the spatial dynamics of urban space is based on an understanding of the city as a complex system composed of individual historical objects. The OH_FET model which we developed since 2004, is based on this approach of urban space. It describes the historical urban object as the Cartesian product of three basic dimensions: function (social use), space and time from the works of Donna Peuquet in geomatics and James Allen in artificial intelligence. Although the heuristic potential of the model have already been proven to work on the cities of Tours and , more recently, Vendome in France, the integration constraints, the designing and da…
ToToPI (Topographie de Tours Pré-Industriel), a GIS for understanding urban dynamics based on the OH_FET model (Social Use, Space and Time)
http://proceedings.caaconference.org/files/2009/41_Rodier_et_al_CAA2009.pdf; International audience; ToToPI, for Topography of Tours Pre-Industrial, is a GIS for studying of the city of Tours (France) in large time span. The concepts for understanding the urban dynamic is based on considering the town as a set of complex objects, taking a systemic approach. The town system used to study the urban fabric over large time spans is composed of three sub-systems relating to historical objects from the level of the excavation to that of the former urban space: function (social use), space (location, surface area and morphology) and time (dating, duration and chronology). The historical object is …
Une ontologie pour décrire les transformations du système de peuplement européen entre 800 et 1100
Sharing spatial data with a 3D component as a collaborative and dissemination tool for archaeology: conceptual challenges and technical issues
International audience; Due to INSPIRE directive, various spatial data infrastructure (SDI) were developed to support research activities. In practice, these toolsremain underexploited by researcher for many reasons. First, their use is time-consuming and researchers usually consider that they provide noimmediate benefits. Second, their use is often complex and needs a substantial investment for researchers who have a limited expertise in spatial data. Finally, often based on 2D GIS environment, they do not provide an adequate tool for collaborative research in archaeology. From this experience, an interdisciplinary team designed and developed an SDI based on GeOrchestra, synchronized with …
Information spatiale et archéologie, note d'information
National audience
Information Spatiale et Archéologie
L'information archéologique est spatiale par nature. Quels que soient l'échelle (fouille, habitat, ville, région), le contexte (urbain, rural), le thème (peuplement, territoires, matières premières, réseaux d'échanges, culture matérielle...) ou la démarche (terrain, documentation), la localisation est une donnée fondamentale et la production de documents (carto) graphiques est une constante. Pour autant, si le positionnement dans l'espace est un préliminaire indispensable, il ne constitue pas à lui seul une réflexion sur la dimension spatiale des questions archéologiques. L'application des méthodes de l'analyse spatiale est intervenue en archéologie dès les années 1970. Elle est maintenant …
Entités fonctionnelles, entités spatiales et dynamique urbaine dans la longue durée
Functional Features, spatial Features and the urban Dynamic across a long Lapse of Time. Heterogeneous data from different sources are to be formalised as functional and spatial features in order to study the spatial evolution of preindustrial cities in the « longue durée ». The aim is to establish a distinction between historically relevant functional features and geographically relevant spatial features in order to produce information better adjusted to study spatial dynamics. The elements of a methodology are brought up.
Utilisation du GPS en prospection
National audience
OH_FET: a computer application for analysing urban dynamics over long time spans
International audience; OH_FET formalism has been designed to analyse urban fabric over long time spans (Lefebvre et al., 2008; Rodier and Saligny, 2010; Rodier et al., 2010). The conceptual model is founded on the idea of historical object (OH – objet historique) which is defined as the Cartesian product of three elementary dimensions: social use (what), space (where) and time (when). Processes are performed in Python programming language and data are stored in various kinds of spatial database. With a minimum of required data from archaeologists’ observations, the application allows users to automate the calculation of standardised indicators about urban transformations and to generate gr…
La modélisation de l'information spatio-temporelle
Modélisation des objets urbains pour l'étude des dynamiques urbaines dans la longue durée
The use of GIS to study the spatial evolution of pre-industrial cities over the "longue durée" requires rigorously formalising heterogeneous data from different sources into robust entities. An initial model using the HBDS (Hypergraph Based Data Structure) method enabled us to distinguish social and spatial features. In this paper we develop a specific model for the temporal dimension. The definition of urban objects using social, spatial and temporal features enhances the study of urban dynamics of change over the "longue durée".
Transition 8: 800-1200. Emergence of enduring, concentrated and hierarchised settlement patterns in rural regions of North-Western Europe
Chapter 11 : https://books.openedition.org/pufr/19927; International audience
Formalization of scientific process and conceptual modelling for the study of territorial and products distribution dynamics (ArchaeDyn II programme)
International audience; The ArchaeDyn team has investigated territorial dynamics by comparing areas over long time spans between the Neolithic and Modern times. Datasets on various themes have been shared and indicators and analytical models produced. This paper presents both the formalization of the scientific process used in the ArchaeDyn programme and a conceptual model of the systems and components so that synchronic and diachronic comparisons can be made. The aim is to clarify the transition from an archaeological feature (a site or an artefact) or a recording unit (survey area) as the input, to the characterization of spaces describing a system as the output. The approach is described…
Linking theories, past practices, and archaeological remains of movement through ontological reasoning
The amount of information available to archaeologists has grown dramatically during the last ten years. The rapid acquisition of observational data and creation of digital data has played a significant role in this &ldquo