Marie Bournez

Débuter la diversification alimentaire : une décision influencée par la croissance de l'enfant ?

National audience; Les pratiques d'alimentation des nourrissons sont soumises à des influences multiples. Ainsi, l'âge de début de diversification varie selon de nombreux facteurs comme les caractéristiques maternelles (tabagisme, âge, niveau d'études, corpulence, pays de naissance) ou infantiles (sexe) (Bournez et al., 2017). Nous voulions étudier si cet âge pouvait de plus dépendre de la croissance de l'enfant, et traduire ainsi une sensibilité de la mère à cet aspect du développement. Nous avons envisagé que les enfants les plus grands (ou lourds, ou corpulents) pourraient être diversifiés plus tôt que les enfants de taille « moyenne ». Les données de la cohorte ELFE (Etude Longitudinale…

research product

Determinants of complementary feeding practices in infants from the ELFE study : familial health, socio-economic and demographic characteristics and early infant growth.

Infant feeding practices could be risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, via early nutritional programming. These practices have not been described in detail in France until now and knowing their determinants could help improve nutritional prevention interventions.For more than 11 000 children followed in the ELFE cohort (French Longitudinal Study since childhood), we calculated the age at introduction of complementary feeding (CFg) and of food groups, evaluated the uses of added sugar, salt and fat from 3 to 10 months old, and defined three principal components of early feeding. Their associations with familial characteristics were evaluated, taking in account the influence of the infan…

research product

Le plaisir de manger chez les enfants : un facteur clef pour des choix alimentaires plus sains

Plaisir et santé sont deux concepts souvent opposés lorsqu'il est question d'alimentation, notamment chez l'enfant. Or, des chercheurs de l'Inra ont montré que les enfants associant plutôt l'alimentation au plaisir font les choix de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que le plaisir alimentaire pourrait servir de levier dans des interventions visant à encourager la consommation d'aliments « bons pour la santé » chez les enfants. Ces travaux viennent d'être publiés dans la revue International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Dans un contexte d'amélioration de l'état de santé de la population, les campagnes de santé publique – à destination des enfa…

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Allaitement et préparations infantiles

National audience

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L'alimentation périnatale en France, entre normes et pratiques. Synthèse des publications de la cohorte ELFE

National audience; L'alimentation est au coeur des premières interactions avec le nourrisson. Du fait de la biologie de la grossesse et de l'allaitement, mais aussi de l'assignation traditionnelle des femmes aux tâches nourricières, la mère est de fait l'actrice de cette prime alimentation. Loin de n'être qu'une affaire de femmes, l'alimentation périnatale est aussi une préoccupation des pouvoir publics qui contribuent à son cadrage médical, normatif et à la diffusion des recommandations nutritionnelles en la matière. Dans ce contexte, comment les femmes nourrissent-elles leurs enfants? Leurs pratiques sont-elles en adéquation avec les recommandations? Comment varient-elles selon l'apparten…

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Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and overweight French children

National audience

research product

Attitudes des enfants obèses vis-à-vis de leur alimentation

National audience

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Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children

International audience; Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children. 40. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

Description de l’utilisation des préparations pour nourrissons dans l’étude ELFE

International audience

research product

External, emotional and restrained eating in normal- and overweight French children: do parents and children agree?

The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C; van Strien & Oosterveld, 2008) was developed to assess external eating (EXT), emotional eating (EMO), and restriction (RES) in 7- to 12-years-old. The aim of this study was to compare children and parents' views of children's eating behaviour according to children's weight status in a sample of French participants. Children were asked about their own eating behaviour and parents were asked about their children's eating behaviour using the DEBQ-C in the child- and parent-report forms, respectively. One hundred and thirty families participated (n=55 overweight children, ow; n=75 normal-weight children, nw; children were weighted a…

research product

Care management in a French cohort with Down syndrome from the AnDDI-Rares/CNSA study.

Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder. In individuals with DS, a multidisciplinary approach to care is required to prevent multiple medical complications. The aim of this study was to describe the rehabilitation, medical care, and educational and social support provided to school-aged French DS patients with varying neuropsychological profiles. A mixed study was conducted. Quantitative data were obtained from a French multicentre study that included patients aged 4-20 years with diverse genetic syndromes. Qualitative data were collected by semi-structured face-to-face interviews and focus groups. Ninety-five DS subjects with a mean age of 10.9 years were included. Sixt…

research product

Use of added sugar, salt and fat in the first year in France and associated factors in the ELFE cohort study

National audience; Background and Aims: To describe added sugar, salt and fat uses and their determinants during complementary feeding (CF) period in infants aged 3 to 10 months. Methods: Data are drawn from the ELFE study (Etude longitudinale Française depuis l'Enfance) which included >18000 infants in 2011. A frequency food questionnaire of consumption of added sugar, salt and fat was monthly completed by the mother from the 3rd to the 10th month (N=10,649). The associations between the use of each added-ingredient and (1) socio-economic characteristics and (2) infant care and feeding practices were studied with two models (the second including the factors of the first) with multivariate …

research product

Structuration sociale de l’alimentation périnatale en France. Synthèse des résultats de la cohorte Elfe

Tichit Christine, Kersuzan Claire, Dhuot Raphael, Gojard Séverine, Nicklaus Sophie, Bournez Marie, Lauzon-Guillain Blandine de, Wagner Sandra, Kadawathagedara Manik, Lioret Sandrine, Charles Marie-Aline, Thierry Xavier. Structuration sociale de l’alimentation périnatale en France. Synthèse des résultats de la cohorte Elfe. In: Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, n°129-130, 4e trimestre 2018 - 1er trimestre 2019. Dossier « Normes sociales et socialisation alimentaires ». pp. 99-107.

research product

Caractéristiques familiales d’une diversification avant 4 mois révolus dans l’étude ELFE

National audience

research product

Initiating complementary feeding: a decision influenced by the child's growth?

International audience; Background and aims: Infant feeding practices are subject to multiple influences. The age of onset of complementary feeding (CF) varies according to many factors such as maternal characteristics (smoking, age, education level, body size, country of birth) or infant characteristics (sex) (Bournez et al., 2017). The aim was to study if, in addition to these factors, age could depend on the child's growth. We have hypothesized that larger children (or heavier / more corpulent ones) would be introduced to CF earlier than "average"-sized children would. Methods: Data from the ELFE cohort (French Longitudinal Study since Childhood) made it possible to describe the age of C…

research product

Children’s attitudes towards food in childhood obesity

National audience

research product

Associations between cognitive performance and the rehabilitation, medical care and social support provided to French children with Prader-Willi syndrome

International audience; Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorder with a characteristic behavioural phenotype. A multidisciplinary approach to care is required to prevent multiple medical complications in individuals affected by PWS. The aim of this study was to describe the rehabilitation, medical care, educational and social support provided to school-aged French PWS patients with varying neuropsychological profiles. Data were obtained from a French multicentre study that included patients aged 4-20 years with diverse genetic syndromes. Nineteen PWS subjects with a mean age of 9.2 years were included. The mean full-scale intellectual quotient (IQ) was 58 (W…

research product

Initiation de la diversification alimentaire selon les caractéristiques des parents, de l’enfant et de la naissance. Résultats de l’étude longitudinale française Elfe (2011)

National audience; Introduction. Le Programme National Nutrition Santé (PNNS) recommande l’initiation de la diversification alimentaire entre le 5ème et le 6ème mois du nourrisson avec une introduction progressive des groupes d’aliments. Cependant, les caractéristiques de cette initiation sont mal connues en France. Notre objectif est donc de déterminer les facteurs associés à l’initiation de la diversification alimentaire. Sujets et méthodes. Les données utilisées sont issues de l’Etude longitudinale française depuis l’enfance (Elfe) , qui a inclus . Pplus de 18 000 enfants, nés dans un échantillon représentatif de maternités, ont été recrutés en 2011. Un questionnaire portant sur l’introd…

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