Ventura Spagnolo O
Il ruolo della cartella clinica ai fini della valutazione della qualità per l'accreditamento istituzionale
The authors carried out research aimed at evaluating the quality of some aspects of a sample of medical records compiled in the operational uniti of a hospital. A subjective evaluation criterion was used, quantified by attibuting a correct numeric value by means of a weightingdeliberation factor. None of the medical record examined were judget qualitatively excellent. The main fact missing was the documentation regarding consensus, even in those medical records judget good or sufficient.
La tutela assicurativa della responsabilità professionale
The Authors conducted a fact-finding survey among the health operators in some Sicilian and calabrian hospitals, hèreby eitending it to include doctors in training - in light of D.Lgs. 368/99 - and heilth operatórs in the area o in consideration oflaw42|9.T\esurveywas'aimedatdeterminingthedegree ofawarenessofthetypeofinsurancecoveràgeand/orcontraclsandlnlicies(>, "claims made") signed by the respective services, as well as about the protection supplied to health operators by the same insurance contracts.