C. Clisu

New ß-decaying state in 214Bi

research product

Decay studies of the long-lived states in $^{186}$Tl

Decay spectroscopy of the long-lived states in $^{186}$Tl has been performed at the ISOLDE Decay Station at ISOLDE, CERN. The $\alpha$ decay from the low-spin $(2^-)$ state in $^{186}$Tl was observed for the first time and a half-life of $3.4^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ s was determined. Based on the $\alpha$-decay energy, the relative positions of the long-lived states were fixed, with the $(2^-)$ state as the ground state, the $7^{(+)}$ state at 77(56)~keV and the $10^{(-)}$ state at 451(56) keV. The level scheme of the internal decay of the $^{186}$Tl($10^{(-)}$) state ($T_{1/2} = 3.40(9)$ s), which was known to decay solely through emission of 374 keV $\gamma$-ray transition, was extended and a lowe…

research product

Decay studies of the long-lived states in Tl-186

9 pags., 12 figs., 3 tabs.

research product

New β-decaying state in 214Bi

A new β-decaying state in 214Bi has been identified at the ISOLDE Decay Station at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. A preferred Iπ = (8−) assignment was suggested for this state based on the β-decay feeding pattern to levels in 214Po and shell-model calculations. The half-life of the Iπ = (8−) state was deduced to be T1/2 = 9.39(10) min. The deexcitation of the levels populated in 214Po by the β decay of this state was investigated via γ -γ coincidences and a number of new levels and transitions was identified. Shell-model calculations for excited states in 214Bi and 214Po were performed using two different effective interactions: the H208 and the modified Kuo-Herling particle interaction. Both ca…

research product

Decay studies of the long-lived states in Tl186

Decay spectroscopy of the long-lived states in 186Tl has been performed at the ISOLDE Decay Station at ISOLDE, CERN. The α decay from the low-spin (2−) state in 186Tl was observed for the first time and a half-life of 3.4+0.5−0.4 s was determined. Based on the α-decay energy, the relative positions of the long-lived states were fixed, with the (2−) state as the ground state, the 7(+) state at 77(56) keV, and the 10(−) state at 451(56) keV. The level scheme of the internal decay of the 186Tl(10(−)) state [T1/2=3.40(9) s], which was known to decay solely through emission of 374-keV γ-ray transition, was extended and a lower limit for the β-decay branching bβ>5.9(3)% was determined. The extrac…

research product