K. Schomacker

New β-decaying state in 214Bi

A new β-decaying state in 214Bi has been identified at the ISOLDE Decay Station at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. A preferred Iπ = (8−) assignment was suggested for this state based on the β-decay feeding pattern to levels in 214Po and shell-model calculations. The half-life of the Iπ = (8−) state was deduced to be T1/2 = 9.39(10) min. The deexcitation of the levels populated in 214Po by the β decay of this state was investigated via γ -γ coincidences and a number of new levels and transitions was identified. Shell-model calculations for excited states in 214Bi and 214Po were performed using two different effective interactions: the H208 and the modified Kuo-Herling particle interaction. Both ca…

research product

First β-decay spectroscopy of $^{135}$In and new $β$-decay branches of $^{134}$In

International audience; The $\beta$ decay of the neutron-rich $^{134}$In and $^{135}$In was investigated experimentally in order to provide new insights into the nuclear structure of the tin isotopes with magic proton number $Z=50$ above the $N=82$ shell. The $\beta$-delayed $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy measurement was performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, where indium isotopes were selectively laser-ionized and on-line mass separated. Three $\beta$-decay branches of $^{134}$In were established, two of which were observed for the first time. Population of neutron-unbound states decaying via $\gamma$ rays was identified in the two daughter nuclei of $^{134}$In, $^{134}$Sn and $^{133}$Sn, at…

research product

First β -decay spectroscopy of In 135 and new β -decay branches of In 134

research product

Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic $^{132}$Sn

The structure of the doubly magic $^{132}_{50}$Sn$_{82}$ has been investigated at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, populated both by the $\beta^-$decay of $^{132}$In and $\beta^-$-delayed neutron emission of $^{133}$In. The level scheme of $^{132}$Sn is greatly expanded with the addition of 68 $\gamma$-transitions and 17 levels observed for the first time in the $\beta$ decay. The information on the excited structure is completed by new $\gamma$-transitions and states populated in the $\beta$-n decay of $^{133}$In. Improved delayed neutron emission probabilities are obtained both for $^{132}$In and $^{133}$In. Level lifetimes are measured via the Advanced Time-Delayed $\beta\gamma\gamma$(t) fas…

research product

First -decay spectroscopy of and new -decay branches of

19 pags., 14 figs., 3 tabs.

research product