Domininique Valentin
Multiple factor analysis: principal component analysis for multitable and multiblock data sets
Multiple factor analysis MFA, also called multiple factorial analysis is an extension of principal component analysis PCA tailored to handle multiple data tables that measure sets of variables coll...
STATIS and DISTATIS: optimum multitable principal component analysis and three way metric multidimensional scaling
STATIS is an extension of principal component analysis PCA tailored to handle multiple data tables that measure sets of variables collected on the same observations, or, alternatively, as in a variant called dual-STATIS, multiple data tables where the same variables are measured on different sets of observations. STATIS proceeds in two steps: First it analyzes the between data table similarity structure and derives from this analysis an optimal set of weights that are used to compute a linear combination of the data tables called the compromise that best represents the information common to the different data tables; Second, the PCA of this compromise gives an optimal map of the observation…