Viktorija Leonova
Review of Non-English Corpora Annotated for Emotion Classification in Text
In this paper we try to systematize the information about the available corpora for emotion classification in text for languages other than English with the goal to find what approaches could be used for low-resource languages with close to no existing works in the field. We analyze the corresponding volume, emotion classification schema, language of each corresponding corpus and methods employed for data preparation and annotation automation. We’ve systematized twenty-four papers representing the corpora and found that corpora were mostly for the most spoken world languages: Hindi, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese etc. A typical corpus contained several thousand of manually-annotated ent…
Insights into archaeological human sample microbiome using 16S rRNA gene sequencing
Human body is inhabited by a vast number of microorganisms, collectively known as human microbiome, and there is a tremendous interest in evolutionary changes of human microbial ecology, diversity and function. The field of paleomicrobiology – study of ancient human microbiome – is powered by modern techniques of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), which allows extracting microbial genomic data directly from archaeological sample of interest. One of the major techniques is 16S rRNA gene sequencing, by which certain 16S rRNA gene hypervariable regions are being amplified and sequenced. However, some limitations of this method exist including taxonomic precision and efficacy of different region…
Analysis of the bacterial communities in ancient human bones and burial soil samples: Tracing the impact of environmental bacteria
Abstract In our attempts to reveal the hidden fragments of the history of the natural world, ancient DNA (aDNA) is the precious missing key that allows us to discover hidden truths about ourselves and the world around us. Not only does aDNA encrypt genetic data from a particular individual, it also carries information about the microbial communities that were present in the individual. However, the process of such data mining has many intrinsic challenges. One of the main challenges in aDNA research is the contamination of archaeological material with environmental bacteria from the surrounding soil and postmortem microbial sources. The goal of this study was to identify the microbial commu…