Jana Barinoff

The role of surgery in patients with primary metastatic breast cancer (PMBC) receiving monoclonal antibody treatment.

1097 Background: Apart from the individual palliative need, the beneficial effect of surgically removing the primary tumor in PMBC on long-term outcomes, as suggested by retrospective series and me...

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A randomized, open-label, multicentre, phase IV study evaluating palbociclib plus endocrine treatment versus a chemotherapy based treatment strategy in patients with hormone receptor positive/HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in a real world setting.

TPS1115 Background: Although endocrine based therapy is recommended as first-line treatment in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in patients with an HER2-/HR+ tumour up to 50% of the patients receive chemotherapy. Palbociclib (P) a CDK4/6 inhibitor improves PFS by 42% in endocrine sensitive and resistant HER2-/HR+ MBC when added to an endocrine therapy (ET). Patients included in clinical trials are often criticised not to be representative for real world breast cancer patients. Methods: Patients with first-line HER2-/HR+ MBC who are candidate for mono-chemotherapy will be eligible to be randomised 1:1 to receive either P plus ET per label or mono-chemotherapy per investigator´s choice with or…

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Invasives Karzinom der Vagina

Vaginalkarzinome gehoren zu den seltenen Tumoren (etwa 500 Falle pro Jahr in Deutschland). Risikofaktoren sind die HPV-Infektion, Immundepression, Nikotinabusus und HPV-assoziierte Vorerkrankungen der Cervix uteri und der Vulva. Als teilweise Primarpravention kann die HPV-Impfung gelten. Eine systematische Fruherkennung existiert angesichts der Seltenheit der Erkrankung nicht. Auffallige zytologische Befunde bei fehlender oder unauffalliger Zervix sollten zu einer intensivierten Untersuchung mit Inspektion und Kolposkopie veranlassen. Es handelt sich uberwiegend um Plattenepithelkarzinome. Die definitive Diagnostik erfolgt durch histologische Sicherung. Zum Staging werden erst in fortgeschr…

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