Jānis Vīksne
Changes in the Breeding Bird Fauna, Waterbird Populations in Particular, on Lake Engure (Latvia) over the Last 50 Years
The nesting bird fauna (186 species) of Lake Engure and its surroundings has changed considerably over the last 50 years: 18 species have appeared as newcomers (among them 56% of southern, 6% of northern origin), 10 species have ceased nesting (among them 60% of northern, 10% of southern origin). These changes might be explained by global warming. Dramatic changes recorded in all waders can be accounted for by the local habitat loss and a general decline in wider geographic ranges. The Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) population increased from 200 pairs in 1940s to 34,000 pairs in 1986, and then declined to 4,200 pairs in 2002. Nesting duck (all species combined) numbers and their nesti…
Long-Term Ecological Research in Latvia
The article describes the National Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Network of Latvia, which includes five study sites and eight research projects. It is supported by the Latvian Council of Sciences. The main directions of the research are impacts of climate warming and anthropogenic factors on terrestrial and freshwater communities and ecosystems. Characteristics of research sites are presented. The main results of the long-term investigations and their implementation in ecological management projects are described.
Eksperimenti universālas modelēšanas vides izveidei
Projektējot informāciju tehnoloģiju sistēmas, plaši tiek izmantotas tā saucamās. modelēšanas valodas, kas ļauj formulēt attiecīgai projektēšanas stadijai atbilstošu informāciju. Tā kā dažādu sistēmu dažādās plānošanas stadijās tiek izmantotas dažādas modelēšanas valodas, tad lietderīgs būtu tāds modelēšanas rīks, ar kuru būtu iespējams definēt jaunas modelēšanas valodas un kurš pēc patvaļīgas valodas definīcijas ielādes, veicot minimālu papildu konfigurāciju, ļautu veidot tās modeļus. Ar modelēšanas valodām formulētā informācija jeb modeļi ir ērti algoritmiski interpretējami, un no agrīnās stadijās izstrādātiem modeļiem izriet samērā daudz automatizējama darba. Tāpēc vēlams būtu nodrošināt …