A. Kauhanen

Effects of strength and endurance training on antioxidant enzyme gene expression and activity in middle-aged men

This study was aimed at investigating the effects of a 21-week period of progressive strength or endurance training on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) antioxidant enzyme gene expression and activity in healthy middle-aged untrained men. Strength (n=11) and endurance (n=12) training were performed twice a week, including resistance exercises to activate all the main muscle groups or cycle-ergometer pedaling, respectively. mRNA levels of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) were increased after 21 weeks of strength training, while endurance training induced significant changes only in MnSOD an…

research product

Effects of combined endurance and strength training on muscle strength, power and hypertrophy in 40-67-year-old men

Both strength and endurance training have several positive effects on aging muscle and physical performance of middle-aged and older adults, but their combination may compromise optimal adaptation. This study examined the possible interference of combined strength and endurance training on neuromuscular performance and skeletal muscle hypertrophy in previously untrained 40-67-year-old men. Maximal strength and muscle activation in the upper and lower extremities, maximal concentric power, aerobic capacity and muscle fiber size and distribution in the vastus lateralis muscle were measured before and after a 21-week training period. Ninety-six men [mean age 56 (SD 7) years] completed high-int…

research product