Jens Pálsson
Untersuchungen zur Populationsgenetik von Island, insbesondere der Region Dalas�sla
The authors report the results of a population genetic survey of the Dalasýsla region (West-Iceland). Our sample size includes n=193 male and female individuals of different age. These individuals are partly related. The following blood and serum groups were determined: ABO, MNS, Rh, P; Hp, Gc, Gm, InV, and Lp. In all these systems observed and expected phenotype frequencies are found to be in good agreement. The following gene frequencies turned out: p1A=.0888, p2A=.0456, qB=.0293, rO=.8363; pMS=.2256, pMs=.4474, pNS=.0540, pNs=.2730; cde=.4123, Cde=.0966, cDe=.0338, CDe=.2984, cDE=.1589; pP=.4833; Hp1=.5157, Hp2=.4843; Gc1=.7340, Gc2=.2660; Gm1=.1846, Gm1,2=.1444, Gm12=.6710. The frequenc…
Phosphoglucomutase (EC and adenylate kinase (EC typings in Koreans and Irish.
PGM1 and AK phenotypes were determined in samples from Korea and Ireland. the frequencies of PGM 1 1 genes amount to 0.916 in Koreans and 0.864 in Irish. AK1 frequencies come to 0.933 in Koreans and 0.873 in Irish.