Elżbieta Skorupska
Comparisonof the effects of six-week time-restricted eating on weight loss, body composition, and visceral fat in overweight older men and women
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a six-week time-restricted eating (TRE) intervention in reducing body weight, fat loss, and visceral fat in overweight, older adult men and women (age range = 65-74 years). Another objective was to determine the feasibility of widespread use of TRE in older women and men. The study randomly assigned 116 healthy, non-smoking participants to one of two conditions: TRE or educational control participants. Participants in the TRE group were instructed to not consume calorie containing beverages or food for 16 h per day, from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm. Participants in the control group were instructed to follow a meal plan based on their prev…
Age-Related Differences in Intermuscular Coherence EMG-EMG of Ankle Joint Antagonist Muscle Activity during Maximal Leaning
Background: Intermuscular synchronization is one of the fundamental aspects of maintaining a stable posture and is of great importance in the aging process. This study aimed to assess muscle synchronization and postural stabilizer asymmetry during quiet standing and the limits of stability using wavelet analysis. Intermuscular synchrony and antagonistic sEMG-sEMG (surface electromyography) coherence asymmetry were evaluated in the tibialis anterior and soleus muscles. Methods: The study involved 20 elderly (aged 65 ± 3.6) and 20 young (aged 21 ± 1.3) subjects. The task was to perform a maximum forward bend in a standing position. The prone test was divided into three phases: quiet standing …