Geoethical education: A critical issue for geoconservation
Some geological outcrops have a special scientific or educational value, represent a geological type locality and/or have a considerable aesthetical/photographic value. Such important outcrops require appropriate management to safeguard them from potentially damaging and destructive activities. Damage done to such rock exposures can include drill sampling by geologist for scientific purposes. In this work, we show how outcrops important to structural geology and petrology can be damaged unnecessarily by drill coring. Unfortunately, regulation and protection mechanisms and codes of conduct can be ineffective. The many resources of geological information available to the geoscientist communit…
Temperature, fluid content and rheology of localized ductile shear zones in subsolidus cooling plutons
Temperature and fluid content are critical parameters that control rock rheology and strain localization in the continental crust. Here, we determine by thermodynamic modelling the urn:x-wiley:02634929:media:jmg12553:jmg12553-math-0004 of localized ductile shearing during cooling of three different granitoid plutons: the Rieserferner and the Adamello plutons in the Italian Alps, and the Lake Edison pluton in the Sierra Nevada—USA. Shear zones exploited precursor joints, associated veins and alteration zones. urn:x-wiley:02634929:media:jmg12553:jmg12553-math-0005 and P−T phase diagram sections were computed with Perple_X in the system MnO−Na2O−CaO −K2O−FeO−MgO−Al2O3−SiO2−H2O−Fe2O3. The phase…