Muhammad Bilal


A Comprehensive Utility Function for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing

In mobile edge computing (MEC), one of the important challenges is how much resources of which mobile edge server (MES) should be allocated to which user equipment (UE). The existing resource allocation schemes only consider CPU as the requested resource and assume utility for MESs as either a random variable or dependent on the requested CPU only. This paper presents a novel comprehensive utility function for resource allocation in MEC. The utility function considers the heterogeneous nature of applications that a UE offloads to MES. The proposed utility function considers all important parameters, including CPU, RAM, hard disk space, required time, and distance, to calculate a more realis…

research product

Sociālo mediju ietekmētāju nozīme digitālajā mārketingā

Šī pētījuma mērķis ir izprast sociālo mediju ietekmētāju nozīmi digitālā mārketinga produktos un pakalpojumos mūsdienu pasaulē. Apkopojiet atbilstošas zināšanas par sociālo mediju mārketingu un ietekmētājiem, kā arī sociālo mediju ietekmētāju lomu dažādu zīmolu un pakalpojumu veiksmīgā mārketingā. Izpētiet sociālo mediju ietekmētāju lomu zīmola attīstībā klientu interesēs. Sagatavotā aptauja galvenokārt sastāv no 15 jautājumiem ar atbilžu variantiem. Visi jautājumi tika izstrādāti, izmantojot kvantitatīvās analīzes metodes. Mans galvenais mērķis, veidojot anketu, ir efektīvi apkopot atsauksmes. Šīs analīzes pierāda, ka sociālo mediju ietekmētājiem ir milzīga ietekme uz mūsdienu tirgu, īpaši…

research product

Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery, Imaging, and Theragnosis.

In the past few decades, polymeric nanocarriers have been recognized as promising tools and have gained attention from researchers for their potential to efficiently deliver bioactive compounds, including drugs, proteins, genes, nucleic acids, etc., in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. Remarkably, these polymeric nanocarriers could be further modified as stimuli-responsive systems based on the mechanism of triggered release, i.e., response to a specific stimulus, either endogenous (pH, enzymes, temperature, redox values, hypoxia, glucose levels) or exogenous (light, magnetism, ultrasound, electrical pulses) for the effective biodistribution and controlled release of drugs or genes…

research product

Computational Offloading in Mobile Edge with Comprehensive and Energy Efficient Cost Function: A Deep Learning Approach

In mobile edge computing (MEC), partial computational offloading can be intelligently investigated to reduce the energy consumption and service delay of user equipment (UE) by dividing a single task into different components. Some of the components execute locally on the UE while the remaining are offloaded to a mobile edge server (MES). In this paper, we investigate the partial offloading technique in MEC using a supervised deep learning approach. The proposed technique, comprehensive and energy efficient deep learning-based offloading technique (CEDOT), intelligently selects the partial offloading policy and also the size of each component of a task to reduce the service delay and energy …

research product

A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Biasing Techniques for $Q_{biased}$ Softmax Regression Algorithm

Over the past many years the popularity of robotic workers has seen a tremendous surge. Several tasks which were previously considered insurmountable are able to be performed by robots efficiently, with much ease. This is mainly due to the advances made in the field of control systems and artificial intelligence in recent years. Lately, we have seen Reinforcement Learning (RL) capture the spotlight, in the field of robotics. Instead of explicitly specifying the solution of a particular task, RL enables the robot (agent) to explore its environment and through trial and error choose the appropriate response. In this paper, a comparative analysis of biasing techniques for the Q-biased softmax …

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