Véronique Fournier
Analysis of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid geometrical isomers formed during fish oil deodorization.
International audience; Addition of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) from marine oil into food products implies preliminary refining procedures of the oil which thermal process affects the integrity of LC-PUFAs. Deodorization, the major step involving high temperatures, is a common process used for the refining of edible fats and oils. The present study evaluates the effect of deodorization temperature on the formation of LC-PUFA geometrical isomers. Chemically isomerized eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were used as reference samples. Fish oil samples have been deodorized at 180, 220 and 250 °C for 3 h and pure EPA and DHA fatty acid methyl esters…
Identification et quantification des isomères géométriques formés lors de la désodorisation des huiles de poisson : Isomères géométriques, monomères cycliques et polymères formés à partir des acides eicosapentaénoïque et docosahexaénoïque.
Les huiles de poisson sont utilisées comme apport d’acides gras polyinsaturés à longue chaîne de la famille « oméga-3 » (AGPI-LC ω3 ou n-3) dans l’alimentation, et sont notamment incorporées aux préparations infantiles. Toutefois, ces huiles de poisson subissent au préalable des étapes de raffinage et en particulier l’étape de désodorisation, qui soumet les AGPI-LC à un traitement thermique. Les AGPI-LC sont instables et peuvent subir au cours de cette étape un certain nombre de transformations chimiques (isomérisations géométriques, migrations des liaisons éthyléniques, cyclisations et/ou polymérisation). Les acides gras trans à longue chaîne, entre autres, sont incorporés dans les structu…
Thermal degradation of long-chain polyunsatured fatty acids during deodorization of fish oil
International audience; Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) of the n-3 series, particularly eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acid, have specific activities especially in the functionality of the central nervous system. Due to the occurrence of numerous methylene-interrupted ethylenic double bonds, these fatty acids are very sensitive to air (oxygen) and temperature. Non-volatile degradation products, which include polymers, cyclic fatty acid monomers (CFAM) and geometrical isomers of EPA and DHA, were evaluated in fish oil samples obtained by deodorization under vacuum of semi-refined fish oil at 180, 220 and 250 °C. Polymers are the major degradation products g…