Bernd Kärcher
Airborne measurements of the nitric acid partitioning in persistent contrails
This study reports the first systematic measurements of nitric acid (HNO3) uptake in contrail ice particles at typical aircraft cruise altitudes. During the CIRRUS-III campaign cirrus clouds and almost 40 persistent contrails were probed with in situ instruments over Germany and Northern Europe in November 2006. Besides reactive nitrogen, water vapor, cloud ice water content, ice particle size distributions, and condensation nuclei were measured during 6 flights. Contrails with ages up to 12 h were detected at altitudes 10–11.5 km and temperatures 211–220 K. These contrails had a larger ice phase fraction of total nitric acid (HNO3ice/HNO3tot = 6%) than the ambient cirrus layers (3%). On av…
Contrail Formation: Analysis of Sublimation Mechanisms
We study losses of ice crystals in a persistent, soot-rich contra i l in the wake behind a medium-sized aircraft at cru i se. Constrain i n g a model covering ice nucleation, growth, and subl i m a t i o n phases with a n aircraft data set, we track the subl i m a t i o n history over two minutes of cont r a i l age and rela t e ice crystal numbers to the number of soot particles emitted by th e aircraft engines.
Susceptibility of contrail ice crystal numbers to aircraft soot particle emissions
We develop an idealized, physically-based model describing combined effects of ice nucleation and sublimation on ice crystal number during persistent contrail formation. Our study represents the first effort to predict ice numbers at the point where contrails transition into contrail cirrus—several minutes past formation—by connecting them to aircraft soot particle emissions and atmospheric supersaturation with respect to ice. Results averaged over an observed exponential distribution of ice supersaturation (mean value 15%) indicate that large reductions in soot particle numbers are needed to lower contrail ice crystal numbers significantly for soot emission indices around 1015 (kg-fuel)−1,…
In Situ Observations of Ice Particle Losses in a Young Persistent Contrail
We describe results of in situ observations of a 1 to 2-min old contrail in the vortex Phase generated from soot-rich exhaust (> 10^15 emitted soot particles per kg-fuel burned). Simultaneous measurements of soot (EIsoot) and apparent ice (AEIice) particle number emission indices show a pronounced anti-correlation in the vertical contrail profile. AEIice decrease by about 75% with increasing distance below the contrail-producing aircraft,while EIsoot increase by an equivalent relative fraction, therefore strongly suggesting sublimation causing the ice particle losses. Quantifying these losses in measurements helps to validate and improve contrail parameterizations used to estimate the clima…
Aircraft-based operation of an aerosol mass spectrometer: Measurements of tropospheric aerosol composition
The Aerodyne quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer was deployed on the Falcon twin jet research aircraft operated by Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). This was the first deployment of an AMS in a jet aircraft. Aerosol mass concentration measurements in the troposphere up to altitudes of about 11 km were performed within two measurement flights on 12 and 14 May 2003 over southern Germany. Background aerosol data were gained up to 6 km, while aircraft exhaust aerosol was be sampled at higher altitudes on 14 May, indicating the presence of sulfuric acid and unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust particles. The boundary layer aerosol on 12 May was found to be composed of 49% organic…
In-situ observations and modeling of small nitric acid-containing ice crystals
Measurements in nascent ice forming regions are very rare and help understand cirrus cloud formation and the interactions of trace gases with ice crystals. A tenuous cirrus cloud has been probed with in-situ and remote sensing instruments onboard the high altitude research aircraft Geophysica M55 in the tropical upper troposphere. Besides microphysical and optical particle properties, water (H<sub>2</sub>O) and reactive nitrogen species (NO<sub>y</sub>) have been measured. In slightly ice supersaturated air between 14.2 and 14.9 km altitude, an unusually low ice water content of 0.031 mg m<sup>&minus;3</sup> and small ice crystals with mean radii of 5…