Letterio Guglielmo

Short-term variability of mesozooplankton in a Mediterranean Coastal sound (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily)

Short-term variations in mesozooplankton were studied during four 24-h periods at one station in a Mediterranean coastal sound (Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily) in May, July and October 1996 and March 1997. Zooplankton samples were collected every three or six hours with a plankton net (mesh size 125 µm) towed horizontally at the surface. Hydrometric data (height of tide, speed and direction of current) were also recorded to assess the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on fluctuations in zooplankton abundance and changes in population structure. The zooplankton assemblages were markedly dominated by copepods and their naupliar stages, which consistently accounted for more than 95…

research product

Sicilian transitional waters: Current status and future development

To appraise the current knowledge of Sicilian transitional waters (TWs), a review was undertaken of the information available on these ecosystems. In detail, a synthesis of the current status is reported, highlighting for each area the ecological features and status, historical data, conservation regime, environmental emergencies and anthropic pressures to which they are subject. The Sicilian TWs reviewed include coastal ponds and lakes, mires and areas with active and nonactive saltworks. Almost all of these ecosystems are affected by several protection regimes because of their high naturalistic value, although current knowledge is limited and fragmented. A few areas have received more att…

research product