M. Cacioppo
DEMAND Project: An algorithm for the assessment of the prosumers’ flexibility
Demand side aggregation represents an important opportunity for ancillary services provision due to the potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on affecting power systems' operation. In this framework, the Aggregator has a main role and takes on different relationships with the other actors of the power system, usually becoming a mediator between the prosumers and the distribution system operator. The DEMAND project introduces a new point of view in demand side aggregation by proposing a new framework where the Aggregator is no more needed and prosumers can share and combine their flexibility in a new aggregation platform called Virtual Aggregation Environment…
DEMAND Project: A Proposal for a Bottom-Up Aggregation Platform
In many countries, a great number of electricity market operators have developed Demand Response (DR) programs with different purposes. In this framework, load aggregation represents an important issue, linked to the potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on affecting power systems' operation.