Pinja Paavilainen
Population structure, life cycle, and trophic niche of the glacial relict amphipod, Gammaracanthus lacustris, in a large boreal lake
Ecology of the glacial relict macrocrustacean Gammaracanthus lacustris, a rare inhabitant of deep Fennoscandian lakes, is poorly understood. We studied the life cycle and trophic position of this cold‐stenothermic amphipod in Lake Paasivesi, eastern Finland. The study is based on intensive sampling and analyses of fatty acid composition as well as stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios. Both day and night, the G. lacustris population occurred at depths below 25 m at temperatures 40 mm and live up to 4 years. The oldest and the largest individuals and females seemed to favour the deepest zones. In October, almost 100% of females with length at least 25 mm (i.e. females presu…