Sanni Pöysä

Ristiriitoja ja reflektiota : opettajien näkemyksiä vuorovaikutuksessa tapahtuvasta arvioinnista

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan opettajien näkemyksiä siitä, millaisia haasteita on luokkahuoneen vuorovaikutustilanteissa tapahtuvassa formatiivisessa arvioinnissa. Aineisto koostuu viiden opettajan keskusteluista täydennyskoulutuksessa. Keskustelujen teemoina olivat opettajien omien videonäytteiden ja kirjallisen materiaalin pohjalta opettajan sensitiivisyys, palaute ja dialogisuus. Vaikka keskustelun perussävy koulutuksen aikana oli myönteinen ja aineena oli oman työn kehittäminen, esiin nousi huomattava määrä oppimista edistävän luokkahuonevuorovaikutuksen ja arvioinnin haasteita. Laadullinen aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi kohdistui näihin haasteisiin sekä opettajien esittämiin ra…

research product

Teacher-student interaction and lower secondary school students’ situational engagement

BACKGROUND Prior research has shown that engagement plays a significant role in students' academic learning. AIMS The present study sought to expand the current understanding of students' engagement by examining how situational engagement during a particular lesson is associated with the observed teacher-student classroom interactions (i.e., emotional support, instructional support, and classroom organization) in the same lesson. SAMPLE The participants were 709 Grade 7 students (47.7% girls) from 59 classrooms in 26 lower secondary schools and 51 teachers. METHODS The data consisted of 155 video-recorded lessons (90 language arts and 65 mathematics lessons) coded using the Classroom Assess…

research product

Hiljaisia ääniä : nuorten kokemuksia koronapandemian vaikutuksesta hyvinvointiin, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja oppimiseen

Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä toimivan strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston (STN) rahoittaman Resilientti koulu ja koulutus (EduRESCUE) -hankkeen tutkijoiden kirjoittamassa raportissa tarkastellaan nuorten kokemuksia koronapandemian vaikutuksista hyvinvointiin, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja oppimiseen. Erityinen huomio on niin sanottujen ”hiljaisten äänten” kuulemisessa eli sellaisten nuorten kokemuksissa, jotka usein jäävät yhteiskunnallisessa päätöksenteossa huomiotta. Verkkopohjainen kysely laadittiin yhteistyössä eri järjestöjen kanssa. EduRESCUE-hankkeen yhteistyötahot Autismiliitto, HelsinkiMissio, Kuurojen Liitto, Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto, Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliitto, MIELI Suomen Mi…

research product

Patterns of Teachers’ Occupational Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Relations to Experiences of Exhaustion, Recovery, and Interactional Styles of Teaching

This study examined profiles of teachers’ occupational well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were collected from 279 Finnish primary school teachers during the spring of 2020. Four groups of teachers were identified by using Latent Profile Analysis: 1) teachers with mediocre stress and work engagement (34.4%);2) teachers with mediocre stress and lowest work engagement (11.5%);3) teachers with highest stress and work engagement (26.5%);and 4) teachers with lowest stress and highest work engagement (27.6%). The findings indicated that teachers’ occupational well-being was individually constructed, and there was a diversity with ways how negative and positive aspects of occupationa…

research product

Assessment of students' situation-specific classroom engagement by an InSitu Instrument

The present study aims to expand the current understanding of engagement by examining variations in students' situation-specific engagement in lower secondary school. In addition, the validity and reliability of a new situation-specific InSitu Instrument were examined. The sample consisted of 1809 Finnish students attending Grade 7. The students filled in mobile ratings on their lesson-specific engagement after lessons. Furthermore, they answered questionnaires concerning their overall engagement, achievement beliefs, and task values in math and literacy. The results showed substantial variation within and between students in situational engagement. A five-factor structure was identified fo…

research product

VOPA-toimintamalli opettajan vuorovaikutusosaamisen ja arvioinnin tukena

Tässä artikkelissa kuvataan Opettajien arviointiosaaminen oppimisen, osallisuuden ja tuen toteutumisen edistäjänä (OPA)-hankkeen (2018–2021) yhteydessä kehitettyä Vuorovaikutus osana opettajan arviointiosaamista (VOPA) -toimintamallia sekä sen käyttämisestä saatuja kokemuksia. VOPA on tutkimusperustainen ja tiiviisti käytäntöön yhdistyvä toimintamalli, jota niin opettajaksi opiskelevat kuin jo työelämässä olevat opettajat voivat hyödyntää ammatillisen kehittymisen välineenä. VOPA-toimintamallin taustalla on ymmärrys siitä, että laadukas vuorovaikutus edistää oppijoiden oppimista sekä toimii pohjana opettajan toteuttamalle formatiiviselle arvioinnille.VOPA-toimintamallissa keskitytään neljää…

research product

Adolescents' engagement profiles and their association with academic performance and situational engagement

Abstract This study examined adolescents' engagement profiles and their association with situational engagement and academic performance in lower secondary school settings. The data consisted of 301 Grade 7 students from Finland. By utilizing person-oriented approach with Latent Profiling Analysis on subscales capturing students' overall engagement, four subgroups of students with different overall engagement profiles were identified. These profile groups were further analyzed with respect to differences in student background (gender and maternal education), academic performance (GPA, and reading and mathematics tests), and lesson-specific situational engagement. The profile groups showed d…

research product

Adolescents' engagement profiles and their association with academic performance and situational engagement

This study examined adolescents' engagement profiles and their association with situational engagement and academic performance in lower secondary school settings. The data consisted of 301 Grade 7 students from Finland. By utilizing person-oriented approach with Latent Profiling Analysis on subscales capturing students' overall engagement, four subgroups of students with different overall engagement profiles were identified. These profile groups were further analyzed with respect to differences in student background (gender and maternal education), academic performance (GPA, and reading and mathematics tests), and lesson-specific situational engagement. The profile groups showed difference…

research product

Variation in situation-specific engagement among lower secondary school students

The majority of previous research has examined school engagement as an overall student characteristic. The present study contributes to the field by examining variation in students' situation-specific engagement from one lesson to another and by investigating situational determinants of such variation. An intensive one-week lesson-to-lesson data collection was conducted in four lower secondary school classrooms. Students rated their situation-specific engagement at the end of each lesson with a mobile-based InSitu instrument. Data comprising a total of 57 students and 1328 ratings were analyzed with two-level hierarchical multivariate model (between students, and within students between les…

research product

Teacher and student teacher views of agency in feedback

The present study compares the feedback themes that groups of teachers (n = 5) and student teachers (n = 15) discussed in a professional development programme concerning teachers’ classroom interaction and formative assessment, and the agents they assigned the feedback to. The results of the thematic analysis show little variation with the conversation themes between the groups, but they did show more with the appointed agents of feedback themes. The teachers assigned feedback themes to the teacher and the students, as student teachers assigned them to the teacher and the learning environment. By referring to feedback as the shared responsibility of the teacher and students, the teachers de…

research product

Authentic assessment as a support for student teachers’ reflection

Assessment and feedback guide learning. In light of this, the assessment practices of teacher education have received little research. This qualitative study examines student teachers’ discussions in a study unit built on authentic assessment practices: self- and peer assessment of videotapes from authentic performance with research-based rubrics. The aim is to investigate whether authentic assessment supports student teachers’ reflection and, if so, how. The findings show that authentic assessment led students frequently to reflection, and in most cases reflective discussions were induced by students’ self-criticism. We deduced that the encouraging feedback culture between students and bet…

research product

Reflections on dialogicity: Challenges and suggestions by mathematics student teachers

Abstract Research related to dialogic teaching has been gaining ground in recent decades. On a theoretical level, researchers have described how sociocultural approaches are linked to dialogic teaching. In addition, empirical studies have explained how dialogic teaching manifests itself in educational dialogue and classroom interactions. However, studies addressing how the dialogic theory and practice could be linked meaningfully in teacher education and professional development programs in subject teacher education and related praxis are still limited. Especially in the case of math teacher education, the reported professional development programs are limited in number. Whereas the tendenc…

research product

EARLI2017-konferenssi Tampereella 29.8.-2.9.2017

Elo-syyskuun taitteessa Tampereella järjestetty EARLI2017-konferenssi kokosi yhteen 2 200 kasvatusalan tutkijaa kaikkiaan 51 maasta. Konferenssin taustaorganisaatio EARLI (The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) on suurin kasvatusalan tutkimusjärjestö Euroopassa, ja kahden vuoden välein järjestettävät suurkonferenssit kuuluvat järjestön päätapahtumiin. Tällä kertaa Tampereen yliopiston isännöimä konferenssi oli vuorossaan jo 17:s. Edellisen kerran EARLI-konferenssi on järjestetty Suomessa vuonna 1991, tuolloin Turussa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Teachers’ occupational well-being in relation to teacher–student interactions at the lower secondary school level

This study investigated the relation between teachers’ occupational well-being and the quality of teacher–student interactions in lower secondary schools in Finland. Teachers (N = 48) self-rated their occupational well-being in terms of engagement, stress, job demands, and emotional exhaustion. Teacher–student interactions in classrooms were video-recorded and coded with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. The results of multivariate regression analyses showed that teachers who reported higher work-related stress were observed with a lower quality of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support when controlling for background factors. It is proposed that the obs…

research product

Teacher-student interaction and lower secondary school students’ situational engagement

Background: Prior research has shown that engagement plays a significant role in students’ academic learning. Aims: The present study sought to expand the current understanding of students’ engagement by examining how situational engagement during a particular lesson is associated with the observed teacher–student classroom interactions (i.e., emotional support, instructional support, and classroom organization) in the same lesson. Sample: The participants were 709 Grade 7 students (47.7% girls) from 59 classrooms in 26 lower secondary schools and 51 teachers. Methods: The data consisted of 155 video‐recorded lessons (90 language arts and 65 mathematics lessons) coded using the Classroom As…

research product

Oppilaan tilannesidonnainen kiinnittyminen yläkoulussa : yhteydet yleiseen kiinnittymiseen ja eri tilannetekijöihin

Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin yläkouluikäisten oppilaiden kouluun kinnittymistä sekä siinä ilmenevää tilannesidonnaista vaihtelua. Oppilaan kouluun kiinnittyminen eli student engagement on käsite, jota käytetään kuvaamaan oppilaan suhdetta kouluun, opiskeluun ja oppimiseen. Kiinnittyminen yhdistetään siihen, missä määrin ja miten oppilas osallistuu ja sitoutuu koulutyöhön, sekä siihen, kuinka oppilas kokee kouluympäristön tukevan omaa koulunkäyntiään ja oppimistaan (mm. Fredricks ym., 2004; Wang ym., 2019). Kouluun kiinnittyminen on moniulotteinen ilmiö, ja siten kiinnittymistä tarkasteltaessa pyritään ymmärtämään oppilaan oppimiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä samanaikaisesti useammast…

research product

Oppilaslähtöisyyden ja dialogisuuden ilmeneminen matematiikan opetuskeskusteluissa

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten oppilaslähtöisyys ja dialogisuus ilmenevät matematiikassa ja miten ne kytkeytyvät toisiinsa erityisesti oppilaiden näkökulmien, ajatusten ja kokemusten huomioimisen kautta. Tutkimuksen aineistoksi valittiin matematiikan aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden pitämiä oppitunteja, joissa havaittiin keskimääräisesti enemmän oppilaslähtöisyyden ja dialogisuuden ilmenemismuotoja. Keskustelunanalyysin keinoin osoitettiin, että oppilaslähtöisyyttä ja dialogisuutta voidaan edistää niin matematiikkaa kuin muitakin aiheita käsittelevissä opetuskeskusteluissa. Esimerkkien avulla pohditaan, miten vallitseva auktoritatiivinen ja oppiainekeskeinen opetusvuorovaikutus on haa…

research product

Profiles of Work Engagement and Work-Related Effort and Reward Among Teachers: Associations to Occupational Well-Being and Leader–Follower Relationship During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This study examined teachers’ occupational well-being by identifying profiles based on teachers’ self-ratings of work engagement as well as work-related effort and reward. It also did so by examining whether the identified subgroups differed with respect to teachers’ self-reported occupational stress and emotional exhaustion as well as with respect to work-related resources such as the individual resource of work meaningfulness and the leader-level resource of the leader–follower relationship. The participants in the study were 321 Finnish elementary school teachers. The data were collected in spring 2021, that is, at the time when the COVID-19 pandemic was present, yet there were no nation…

research product

Reflections on dialogicity : Challenges and suggestions by mathematics student teachers

Research related to dialogic teaching has been gaining ground in recent decades. On a theoretical level, researchers have described how sociocultural approaches are linked to dialogic teaching. In addition, empirical studies have explained how dialogic teaching manifests itself in educational dialogue and classroom interactions. However, studies addressing how the dialogic theory and practice could be linked meaningfully in teacher education and professional development programs in subject teacher education and related praxis are still limited. Especially in the case of math teacher education, the reported professional development programs are limited in number. Whereas the tendency has bee…

research product