A Giugno
Neuronavigated-biopsy in the diagniosis of demyelinating pseudotumoral brain lesions. Case report.
Introduction: Pseudotumoral-demyelinating lesions are typically characterized by severe difficulties in differential diagnosis from gliomas, metastatic tumors and abscesses. Marburg’s disease (MD) is an extremely rare and aggressive form of Mutiple Sclerosis (MS) with acute onset, rapid neurological deterioration, and poor prognosis. MRI images often show pseudotumoral lesions characterized by mild and focal or, sometimes, ring enhancement. Perhaps, radiological aspect can vary, making necessary hystopathological confirmation. Objectives: There is increasing interest in the role of surgical biopsy for a correct and early diagnosis of pseudotumoral demyelinating lesions. We report an histopa…
Imaging neuroradiologico funzionale 3-D per l'asportazione di un angioma cavernoso in area eloquente: case report e review della letteratura
Imaging neuroradiologico
Emergency Surgery ina a patient with large spontaneous epidurl hematoma determinig exellent neurological recovery: review of the literature
Study Design: Case report Objectives: we report a case of a 75-year-old woman suffering voluminous idiopathic spontaneous spinal epidural hematomas (SSEH) that was rapidly diagnosed and successfully treated Methods: Clinical presentation was characterized by sudden and intense back pain that rapidly evolved into plegia of the right leg and severe paresis of the left leg. Hypoesthesia below T6 and urinary retention were also present. The MRI showed a significant posterior spinal compression from T6 through L3 caused by an epidural hematoma that involved 10 metameric levels, extending for approximately 20 cm, with a maximum thickness of 1.6 cm from T12 to L1. Results: Within 12 hours, emergen…
SCOPO DEL LAVORO Presentiamo un caso di una paziente di 24 anni che giunge alla nostra attenzione per la comparsa di disartria come quadro clinico d’esordio di una forma aggressiva di malattia demielinizzante di cui si valuta l’atipica evoluzione neuroradiologica delle lesioni pseudotumorali che la caratterizzano e le possibili diagnosi differenziali. MATERIALI E METODI La paziente dopo una prima valutazione in PS è stata sottoposta a TC encefalo, ricoverata presso l’U.O. di Neurologia, sottoposta a controlli RM seriati (anche con tecniche avanzate); durante la degenza è stata inoltre effettuata una biopsia stereotassica. RISULTATI La TC ha rilevato almeno tre lesioni ipodense: a sinistra…