M Di Vittorio
Status e biologia del Capovaccaio Neophron percnopterus in Sicilia
Aquila di Bonelli (Hieraaetus fasciatus), Status e biologia riproduttiva in Sicilia
Nuovi dati sulla biologia alimentare dell’Aquila di Bonelli, Hieraaetus fasciatus, durante il periodo riproduttivo
Habitat preferences of Bonelli's Eagles Aquila fasciata in Sicily
Capsule For breeding, areas dominated by extensive agricultural and rugged Mediterranean landscapes are preferred; maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and extensive agriculture are key for the conservation of this eagle. Aims To model breeding habitat preferences of Bonelli’s Eagles Aquila fasciata in Sicily, where the last viable population still remains in Italy, in order to identify the most important habitats for conservation. Methods Pairs were monitored between 1990 and 2010. A case-control design through GLMs was used at two spatial scales: landscape and home-range. Variables included topographic, climatic, land-use, road and descriptors of habitat heterogeneity. Information-based c…