Rosa Baños
La validación transcultural de intervenciones clínicas basadas en evidencia para el tratamiento de trastornos de ansiedad
Las aplicaciones de tecnologías avanzadas han generado la emergencia de un espacio de investigación en ciencias del comportamiento. El creciente acervo de publicaciones, sobre la eficacia y eficiencia de programas de intervención para una serie de trastornos psicológicos, plan- tea la necesidad de fortalecerlos, evaluando su generalización a otros contextos culturales para contribuir a la medición de la validez externa. Mediante la colaboración de dos grupos de investi- gación, se realizó la validación transcultural de tres intervenciones empleando realidad virtual para el tratamiento de miedo a volar, agorafobia y miedo a hablar en público con un programa auto-apli- cado, que demostraron p…
Positive clinical psychology and positive technologies
La Psicología Clínica ha avanzado notablemente en los últimos 100 años y en estos momentos disponemos ya de tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia. Ahora bien, esto no es óbice para seguir mejorando esta disciplina. En los últimos 20 años se han producido dos importantes desarrollos que han resultado beneficiosos para este campo. Por una parte, lo que ha supuesto el movimiento de la Psicología Positiva y su cristalización en la Psicología Clínica Positiva. Por otra, la introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) para mejorar la práctica clínica cotidiana. En este trabajo se abordan estos avances y se presenta un nuevo campo de estudio que intenta es…
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based indicated transdiagnostic prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent):A three-armed randomized controlled trial in four European countries
Background Depression and anxiety are highly prevalent and often co-occur. Several studies indicate the potential of disorder-specific psychological interventions for the prevention of each of these disorders. To treat comorbidity, transdiagnostic treatment concepts seem to be a promising approach, however, evidence for transdiagnostic concepts of prevention remains inconclusive. Internet- and mobile-based interventions (IMIs) may be an effective means to deliver psychological interventions on a large scale for the prevention of common mental disorders (CMDs) such as depression and anxiety. IMIs have been shown to be effective in treating CMDs, e.g. in reducing symptoms of depression and an…
Capturing the Severity and Impairment Associated With Depression: The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (ODSIS) Validation in a Spanish Clinical Sample
Background: The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (ODSIS) is a self-report scale designed to evaluate the severity and functional impairment associated with depression. Objective: This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the online version of the ODSIS in Spanish outpatients with depression and anxiety disorders. Method: Patients with a main diagnosis of a depressive (n = 283) or anxiety disorder (n = 191) and a mean age of 38.15 (SD = 12.06) were evaluated with a clinical diagnostic interview and measures assessing depression, anxiety, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. Factorial structure, internal consistency, convergent, and discriminant validit…
Exploring the assessment of Adjustment Disorders: Differences between a general and a clinical sample
Adjustment Disorders (AjD) are one of the most prevalent psychological problems in primary and hospital care. It is necessary to have evidence-based instruments to help professionals diagnose and better understand this problem, which has been little studied. This study presents an adaptation of the Inventory of Complicated Grief for the assessment of AjD symptoms, referred to as the Inventory of Stress and Loss (ISL), and explores the differences in the response to stressful situations between general and clinical Spanish populations. Methods: The general sample included 208 participants, and the clinical sample 91 patients with AjD. Results: Results showed that the ISL has high internal co…
Additional file 1 of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): psychometric properties of the online Spanish version in a clinical sample with emotional disorders
Additional file 1. PANAS (Spanish version).
Expectations among patients and health professionals regarding Web-based interventions for depression in primary care: A qualitative study
Background: One-quarter of the world's population will suffer from depression symptoms at some point in their lives. Mental health services in developed countries are overburdened. Therefore, cost-effective interventions that provide mental health care solutions such as Web-based psychotherapy programs have been proposed. Objective: The intent of the study was to identify expectations regarding Web-based psychotherapy for the treatment of depression in primary care among patients and health professionals that might facilitate or hinder its effects. Methods: The expectations of untreated patients and health professionals were examined by means of interviews and focus groups. There were 43 pa…
Relationship between Meditative Practice and Self-Reported Mindfulness: the MINDSENS Composite Index
Mindfulness has been described as an inherent human capability that can be learned and trained, and its improvement has been associated with better health outcomes in both medicine and psychology. Although the role of practice is central to most mindfulness programs, practice-related improvements in mindfulness skills is not consistently reported and little is known about how the characteristics of meditative practice affect different components of mindfulness. the present study explores the role of practice parameters on self-reported mindfulness skills. A total of 670 voluntary participants with and without previous meditation experience (n = 384 and n = 286, respectively) responded to an…
Exploring the Relationship Between the Acceptability of an InternetBased Intervention for Depression in Primary Care and Clinical Outcomes: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Depression is one of the most prevalent psychological disorders worldwide. Although psychotherapy for depression is effective, there are barriers to its implementation in primary care in Spain. The use of the Internet has been shown to be a feasible solution. However, the acceptability of Internet-based interventions has not been studied sufficiently. Objective: To assess the acceptability of an Internet-based intervention (IBI) for depression in primary care, and explore the relationship between expectations and satisfaction and the improvement in the clinical variables in primary care patients receiving this intervention. Furthermore, it offers data about the effects of some s…
Clinical psychology has advanced significantly in the past hundred years, and we now have evidence-based psychological treatments. However, this does not mean that there is no room for further improvement in this discipline. In the past twenty years, two important developments have been identified as being beneficial for this field: on the one hand, the Positive psychology movement and its crystallization in the discipline of positive clinical psychology; on the other, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve daily clinical practice. In this paper, we address these developments and present a new field of study that attempts to strengthen the ties and …
Additional file 1: of An Internet-based treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
SPIRIT 2013 Checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents. (DOCX 61 kb)
Additional file 1: of Efficacy of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines) with and without therapist guidance: a randomized controlled trial
NO-FEAR Airlines. Video about NO-FEAR Airlines, an Internet-based Exposure treatment for Flying Phobia. The video includes a description about the online program, how it works and on how it has been assessed in an RCT. (MP4 58734 kb)