Euroopan komission ja kansalaisten näkemyksiä eurooppalaisesta kulttuuriperinnöstä
Suomi ja eurooppalainen kulttuuriperintö : paneelikeskustelu
Euroopan kulttuuriperintötunnus (EHL) on keskeinen osa Euroopan unionin (EU) vahvistuvaa kulttuuri- ja identiteettipolitiikkaa.Suomi liittyi mukaan kyseiseen unionin toimeen marraskuussa 2018. EUROHER IT-tutkimushankkeen järjestämässä paneelissa keskusteltiin suomalaisen ja eurooppalaisen kulttuuriperinnön välisistä suhteista ja EHL:n Suomelle tuomista mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista. Paneelissa olivat keskustelijoina Tuuli Lähdesmäki (Jyväskylän yliopisto), Virpi Mäkinen (Keski-Suomen Museo) ja Ulla Salmela (Museovirasto). Paneelin puheenjohtajan toimi Johanna Turunen (Jyväskylän yliopisto). Paneeli järjestettiin osana eurooppalaista tutkijoiden yötä ja kulttuuriperinnön eurooppalaista tee…
European cultural heritage and the politics of decolonisation
Lectio praecursoria: Johanna Turunen's contemporary cultural studies dissertation “Unlearning narratives of privilege: A decolonial reading of the European Heritage Label” was examined at the University of Jyväskylä on the 24th September 2021. The opponent was Dr. Jasper Chalcraft (European University Institute) and the custos was Associate Professor Tuuli Lähdesmäki (University of Jyväskylä).
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union: The European Heritage Label provides an interdisciplinary examination of the ways in which European cultural heritage is created, communicated, and governed via the new European Heritage Label scheme. Drawing on ethnographic field research conducted across ten countries at sites that have been awarded with the European Heritage Label, the authors of the book approach heritage as an entangled social, spatial, temporal, discursive, narrative, performative, and embodied process. Recognising that heritage is inherently political and used by diverse actors as a tool for re-imagining communities, identities, and borders, and for gene…
Decolonising European minds through Heritage
By analysing three museums exhibition, this article investigates how the history of European colonialism is approached in an attempt to identify potential for decolonising European minds. The case studies consist of a temporary exhibition (2016–2017) concerning German colonialism at the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin; the permanent exhibition of the House of European History in Brussels and the permanent exhibition of the Sagres Promontory (Portugal), a heritage site related to the conquest of the Americas. The analysis will focus on three aspects: 1) acknowledgement of connections between colonial histories and their contemporary influences in and for Europe; 2) the role of histor…
Notre Dame ja eurooppalainen kulttuuriperintö
Notre Damen katedraalin palo aiheutti surua sekä lupauksen jälleenrakentamisesta. Mitä tällöin itse asiassa surraan ja mitä oikeastaan ollaan rakentamassa uudelleen? nonPeerReviewed
Introduction: using our pasts, defining our futures – debating heritage and culture in Europe
This introduction to the themed section Using our Past, Defining our Futures – Debating Heritage and Culture in Europe summarises the three articles and outlines their approach to heritage. The aut...
Mapping the Idea of Europe : Cultural Production of Border Imaginaries through Heritage
In contrast to recent reinforcements of Europe's internal and external borders due to the refugee situation on the Mediterranean and the Covid-19 outbreak, talk of European borders has in the past decades focused on the freedom of mobility guaranteed by the Schengen treaty. In many senses, free intra-European mobility has become a recited truth in the EU discourse: a phrase that hides under its repetition the gap between its implied content and empirical realities of many of those who are affected by European borders’ exclusive tendencies. Through the concept of borderscape, this article focuses on the role that cultural products – especially maps exhibited at heritage sites – have in recit…