B. Morel
Dyvalocca : un projet pour l'étude des nuages bas de saison sèche sur la façade atlantique de l'Afrique centrale et de leur impact bioclimatique sur les forêts sempervirentes.
Low-level clouds are key components of the climate but are not well represented in weather and climate models. Recently it has been shown that an extensive low-level cloud cover develops during the June-September main dry season in western equatorial Africa, from the coastal plains of Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville to the inland plateaus downstream of the low-mountain crests. Such a cloudy main dry season is unique in the moist Tropics and is likely to explain the presence of the densest and evergreen forests of Central Africa as evapotranspiration is low and the quality of light is high. The ANR-DFG funded “DYVALOCCA” project will conduct from 2020 to 2022 a field campaign, raise existing in-…
In-situ diagnostic of ultrashort probes based on Kerr-index transient Bragg grating
Pump-probe experiments are essential tools to investigate ultrafast dynamics of laser-matter interaction. We are particularly interested in the dynamics of transparent dielectrics under high numerical aperture focusing. Two main challenges arise for the weak probe pulse. First, we need a precise knowledge of the probe delay with respect to the pump pulse. Second, dispersion compensation of the ultrashort probe pulse generally requires a prism compressor, which can generate angular dispersion, and therefore incorrect interpretation of the pumpprobe measurements.