Gérard Vansuyt
Iron acquisition from Fe-pyoverdine by Arabidopsis thaliana.
Taking into account the strong iron competition in the rhizosphere and the high affinity of pyoverdines for Fe(III), these molecules are expected to interfere with the iron nutrition of plants, as they do with rhizospheric microbes. The impact of Fe-pyoverdine on iron content of Arabidopsis thaliana was compared with that of Fe-EDTA. Iron chelated to pyoverdine was incorporated in a more efficient way than when chelated to EDTA, leading to increased plant growth of the wild type. A transgenic line of A. thaliana overexpressing ferritin showed a higher iron content than the wild type when supplemented with Fe-EDTA but a lower iron content when supplemented with Fe-pyoverdine despite its inc…
Diversity of root-associated fluorescent pseudomonads as affected by ferritin overexpression in tobacco
A transgenic tobacco overexpressing ferritin (P6) was recently shown to accumulate more iron than the wild type (WT), leading to a reduced availability of iron in the rhizosphere and shifts in the pseudomonad community. The impact of the transgenic line on the community of fluorescent pseudomonads was assessed. The diversity of 635 isolates from rhizosphere soils, rhizoplane + root tissues, and root tissues of WT and P6, and that of 98 isolates from uncultivated soil was characterized. Their ability to grow under iron stress conditions was assessed by identifying their minimal inhibitory concentrations of 8-hydroxyquinoline for each isolate, pyoverdine diversity by isoelectrofocusing and ge…
Iron dynamics in the rhizosphere as a case study for analysing interactions among soils, plants and microbes
International audience
Influence du système de sécrétion de type III bactérien dans les intéractions plantes-Pseudomonas spp. fluorescents non pathogènes
http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/271693SPEEAEcolDurCT3; L’objectif de cette thèse a été de contribuer à faire progresser les connaissances sur les interactions bénéfiques entre les plantes et les microorganismes en évaluant la contribution des systèmes de sécrétion de type III (SST3). Une synthèse des connaissances disponibles relatives aux SST3 chez les Pseudomonas non pathogènes, saprotrophes ou mutualistes, montre que les SST3 ne sont pas cantonnés aux interactions parasites ou pathogènes avec les plantes. Dans la première étude expérimentale, nous avons utilisé différents génotypes de Medicago truncatula Gaertn. cv. Jemalong capables (Myc+) ou non (Myc-) d’établir une symbiose mycorhizien…
Implication of pyoverdines in the interactions of fluorescent pseudomonads with soil microflora and plant in the rhizosphere
Soils are known to be oligotrophic environments whereas soil microflora is mostly heterotrophic in such way that microbial growth in soil is mainly limited by the scarce sources of readily available organic compounds (Wardle 1992). Therefore, in soils, microflora is mostly in stasis (fungistasis/bacteriostasis) (Lockwood 1977). In counterpart, plants are autotrophic organisms responsible for the primary production resulting from the photosynthesis. A significant part of photosynthetates are released from plant roots to the soil through a process called rhizodeposition. These products, i.e. the rhizodeposits, are made of exudates, lysates, mucilage, secretions and dead cell material, as well…
Toward an integrated approach for studying plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere: from genomic to proteomic
International audience
Extraction of copper and iron from soil with siderophores of fluorescent pseudomonads
Due to the application for more than 100 years of copper to French vineyards to combat fungal diseases of vines copper levels have been reported in vineyard soils up to several hundred milligrams of copper/kg of soil. There are now concerns about the ecotoxicity effects of copper accumulation. One potential way to remediate copper accumulation is phytoextraction. Furthermore, there may be potential to enhance the phytoextraction process by augmenting the process using beneficial bacterial species. Our research has involved investigating the potential to use fluorescent pseudomonads, a key group of bacteria that produce siderophores (iron-scavenging compounds), to enhance phytoextraction of …
Chapter 4 Iron Dynamics in the Rhizosphere
Abstract Iron is an essential micronutrient for most organisms due to its role in fundamental metabolic processes. In cultivated soils, soil solution iron is mostly oxidized [Fe(III) species] unless local anoxic conditions develop. The concentration of these Fe(III) species is small in soil solution due to the low solubility of ferric oxides, oxyhydroxides, and hydroxides, which is minimal at neutral and alkaline pH. In the rhizosphere, iron concentration in the soil solution is even lower because of its uptake by aerobic organisms (plants and microorganisms), leading to a high level of competition for Fe(III). In order to face iron competition, these organisms have evolved active uptake st…
Interactions durables entre plantes et microorganismes dans les sols
National audience
Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere
communication orale invitée; absent
Interactions réciproques entre plantes et Pseudomonas fluorescents en relation avec le fer rhizosphèrique
Implication of pyoverdines in the interactions of fluorescent pseudomonads with soil microflora and plant in the rhizosphere
International audience
Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere
National audience; Although iron is the fourth element in the Earth’s crust, the availability of Fe(III) is limited in most cultivated soils due to their pH. In soil adhering to plant roots (rhizosphere), plants release a sgnificant part of their photosynthetates (rhizodeposits) that promote microbial density and activity. Iron uptake by this microflora and by plant roots contributes to decrease even more iron availability in the rhizosphere. In this competition context, plants and microbes have developed active strategies of iron uptake. In dicotyledon plants, this strategy involves (i) the excretion of protons, (ii) the reduction of Fe(III) by reductases, and (iii) plasmalemma transport o…
Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere
International audience; Iron is an essential element for plants and microbes. However, in most cultivated soils, the concentration of iron available for these living organisms is very low since its solubility is controlled by stable hydroxides, oxyhydroxides and oxides. The high demand for iron by plants and microorganisms in the rhizosphere together with its low availability in soils leads to a strong competition for this nutrient among living organisms. To face this competition, plants and microorganisms have developed active strategies of iron uptake. In non graminaceous plants (strategy I), iron uptake relies on acidification and reduction of Fe+++ in Fe++ which incorporated in the root…