Maarten Koomen

Parcours scolaires, accès aux études supérieures et mobilité sociale : comparaison entre la France, la Suisse et le Canada

Le présent article examine dans quelle mesure l’organisation des trajectoires scolaires et les parcours conduisant à l'enseignement supérieur favorisent la mobilité sociale ou au contraire la reproduction des inégalités. Nous avons comparé trois pays : la France, la Suisse et le Canada. Les résultats obtenus à partir des données tirées des panels d’enquêtes menées dans ces trois pays permettent d’observer deux situations inversées. Plus l’enseignement supérieur est valorisé au détriment de la formation professionnelle, plus les inégalités ont tendance à s’exacerber. La compétition y est telle que ce sont les jeunes de milieu favorisé qui tirent davantage profit de son expansion. Par contre,…

research product

Démocratisation de l'enseignement supérieur et emprise des parcours

This article looks at how the organization of the education system and the pathways leading to higher education enable social mobility or on the contrary the reproduction of inequalities. We thus compare three countries: France, Switzerland, and Canada. The results using panel data in these three countries show two different situations. The more higher education is valued rather than vocational training, the more inequalities tend to increase. The competition is such that it is the youth with a privileged social background who benefit more from its expansion. On the other hand, when the vocational education and training is more valued, inequalities in higher education could tend to be more …

research product

Pathways to higher education in France and Switzerland: Do vocational tracks facilitate access to higher education for immigrant students?

In this chapter we wish to clarify through which institutional pathways higher education is accessed by immigrant group students in Switzerland and France. We have chosen these two countries because they differ from each other both in their educational systems and in the ways new routes to higher education have been set up through vocationally orientated programmes. The educational landscape in France is characterised by a more school-based system and has a greater tradition of prestigious tertiary education institutions (Duru-Bellat et al., 2008). Moreover, traditional vocational education and training (VET) does not have very high status and therefore fails to attract a large proportion o…

research product

Les parcours scolaires vers l'enseignement postsecondaire au prisme de la mobilité sociale et du genre en France et en Suisse

International audience; Les auteurs explorent les politiques de différenciation des parcours scolaires conduisant à l’enseignement supérieur et ses effets sur l’égalité des chances et la mobilité sociale en France et en Suisse. Ainsi, le parcours professionnel réussit à compenser les inégalités sociales dans l’accès aux études postsecondaires, encore plus pour la population féminine, avant tout en France.

research product

Pathways fostering mobility to higher education for vulnerable immigrants in France, Switzerland and Canada

In this article we wish to clarify not only if, but also how – through which institutional settings – higher education is accessed by students from vulnerable immigrant groups in France, Switzerland and Canada. We are interested in the possible educational mobility that immigrant youths can experience arising from country-specific educational policies designed to increase the enrolment in higher education, particularly the flow from upper-secondary vocational educational tracks to higher education ones. We analyse using panel data in each country the accessibility of different pathways to higher education while taking into account the characteristics of the students. In terms of educational…

research product