Fernando Santonja Medina
Deteccion radiografica y gammagrafica de las metastasis oseas
198 patients affected with skeletal metastases under a 6-year foHow up were examined. In all cases, thr pathology of the original tumour was collected and the metastases were analised with X rays and isotopic scintigraphy; also a blood study of the bone metabolism was carried out. 77% (153 cases) were «osteophílous tumours»; in 37% of them, the metas tases diagnosis was simultaneous or previous to the original tumour. The breast, lung and prostata were collected in order to make an statistical report.
Tratamiento profiláctico por anaerobios con oxígeno hiperbárico
The authors report their experience in the use of hyperbaric camera in the management of anaerobic infections after important traumatisms throughout the period of time 1984-1985. A double blind study is carried out. The first group includes those patients under treatment with hyperbaric oxygen, once the anaerobic infection has been detected. The second group is formed by patients who received, during the 24 hours after the accident, profilactic treatment in the hyperbaric camera. The results obtained in the first group were 84'3% good, whilst in the second group there were no cases of anaerobic infection. Therefore, these results Jed authors believe that the use of hyperbaric oxygen must be…