Alvaro Bueno Biot
Las medidas correctoras en el ámbito digital
Ante el aumento de la producción y el intercambio de los contenidos y servicios digitales como consecuencia de la evolución de las nuevas tecnologías, se hace necesario establecer un marco jurídico que dote de protección a los consumidores y usuarios. En este sentido, el Real Decreto Ley 7/2021, de 27 de abril, transpuso en el Texto Refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios (TRLGDCU) la Directiva 2019/770, sobre contratos de suministro de contenidos y servicios digitales. Se examinan aquí las medidas correctoras de las que dispone el consumidor o usuario ante una falta de conformidad de los contenidos o servicios digitales o ante un incumplimiento contractua…
El traslado transfronterizo y la determinación de la ley aplicable (lex societatis) en la jurisprudencia del tribunal de justicia de la unión europea
This paper will analyse the most relevant case law of recent years in the field of cross-border transfer and determination of the law applicable to companies (lex societatis). The aim of this article is therefore to set out the main legal obstacles affecting the effective performance of these operations and, consequently, to set out the various developments introduced by the case law of the ECJ in the area of freedom of establishment with the aim of improving the productivity and competitiveness of companies at intra-Community level.
Cláusula rebus sic stantibus y bonos estructurados. Comentario a la STS de España núm. 5/2019, de 9 de enero
The rebus sic stantibus clause, which is based on case law, has been applied in order to re-establish the balance of services as a result of a sudden change in the circumstances taken into account when the contract was concluded. However, it has not always been applied with the same rigidity and rigour, but rather, depending on the social and economic context of the moment, we have been experiencing fluctuations in doctrine and jurisprudence. Therefore, in this commentary to the STS of January 9, 2019, we proceed to an analysis of the jurisprudential evolution and the required budgets for the application of the aforementioned clause, with special consideration of random contracts such as st…
La temporalidad de la pensión compensatoria en la jurisprudencia del tribunal supremo
En el presente trabajo se estudian los criterios jurisprudenciales en orden a determinar si una pensión compensatoria debe tener carácter indefinido o temporal.
Dictamen profesional sobre la fusión y escisión como extrategias alternativas en un grupo de sociedades
This work is a professional, legal opinion which sets out two alternative strategies (merger by absorption and partial demerger) in order to bring together the different areas of activity of the various companies in a group of companies. The aim is to provide solutions to the questions raised by customers and, therefore, to set out clearly and simply the procedure to be followed in each of the strategies, weighing up the advantages and disadvantages from each of them
Los alimentos debidos a los hijos menores de edad: un estudio jurisprudencial
This study analyzes the case law interpretation of Article 93.I of the Spanish Civil Code with regard to maintenance owed to minor children.