Cristian Ciurea
Essential Enabling Technologies
The previous chapter contained presentations of several relevant collaboration methods. Section 3.1 indicated that the evolution in e-collaboration was associated with a number of technological breakthroughs.
Collaboration and Decision-Making in Context
The goal of this chapter is to provide a historical account of the evolutions in the domain of the book and to set the stage for the concepts and solutions to be presented in the following chapters, including the introduction of the terminology adopted to be used throughout this text. Consequently, we aim at providing the answers to a series of questions, such as: (a) “How the organizations have been evolving over the last decades?”, (b) “Which have been the corresponding trends of the management and control schemes?”, (c) “How management and control functions are allocated to human and automation equipment?”, (d) “Which are the desirable properties of the information processing tools meant…
Collaborative Activities and Methods
Having described the context for collaborative activities (in Chap. 1), and reviewed the basic aspects of computer supported decision-making activities (in Chap. 2), we will present in this section several specific methods used in collaborative decision making. The methods and techniques presented in the chapter are independent of the information technologies upon they are instantiated.