Argyro Spinthaki
Pleiotropic Role of Recombinant Silaffin-Like Cationic Polypeptide P5S3: Peptide-Induced Silicic Acid Stabilization, Silica Formation and Inhibition of Silica Dissolution
Silica-mineralizing organisms such as diatoms manage several aspects of silica chemistry when polymerizing monomeric silicic acid into amorphous silica. Silicic acid is undersaturated in the diatoms’ habitats and mechanisms of enrichment and prevention of uncontrolled mineralization are not well understood. Diatom-biosilica is associated with organic compounds, including polycationic, post-translationally modified peptides termed silaffins, which induce the condensation of silicic acid under supersaturated conditions. Here, we report the pleiotropic action of the designed silaffin-like peptide P5S3, which (i) stabilizes 4–8x silicic acid (in supersaturated conditions of 8.3 mm), (ii) decele…