B. Schulz-dobrick
Verfahrensbedingungen aus Phasenbestand und chemischer Analyse von alten Kupferschlacken (Afunfun, Agadez/Niger)
Controlling the spatial distribution of aluminum in ZSM-5 crystals
Abstract The spatial distribution of aluminum over ZSM-5 crystals was systematically studied using electron microprobing on polished crystals. Crystals synthesized with TPABr as template exhibit a pronounced enrichment of aluminum in the crystal rim, essentially irrespective of the aluminum source employed, although aluminum sources with organic anions are favoring less inhomogeneous profiles. With 1,6-hexanediol or from totally inorganic reaction gels, crystals with completely homogeneous aluminum profiles are obtained, even if the crystals grow larger than 50 μm. In the 1,6-hexanediol system the homogeneous profiles could be changed to profiles similar to the TPABr system by addition of K…
Further characterisation of the 91500 zircon crystal
This paper reports the results from a second characterisation of the 91500 zircon, including data from electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser fluorination analyses. The focus of this initiative was to establish the suitability of this large single zircon crystal for calibrating in situ analyses of the rare earth elements and oxygen isotopes, as well as to provide working values for key geochemical systems. In addition to extensive testing of the chemical and structural homogeneity of this sample, the occurrence of banding in 91500 in both backscattered electron and cathodolumines…