J. Tīliks
Tritium release from beryllium articles for use in fusion devices
Abstract Results obtained on radiation and magnetic field (MF) effects on tritium release at annealing of the beryllium pebbles from the EXOTIC-8-3/13 irradiation are presented in this study and compared with those for other irradiated beryllium materials. Abundance ratios of chemical forms of tritium in the EXOTIC-8-3/13 beryllium pebbles were determined: T 2 – 65%, T 0 – 23%, T + – 12%. A complete detritiation of these pebbles was achieved at 1123 K for 240 min; MF of 2.35 T had no appreciable effect on the tritium release. At 991 K for 240 min, the degree of detritiation was 96.6% without MF; MF of 2.35 T decreased it to 86.7%. At 940 K for 47 min, the degree of detritiation was 60%, 5 M…
Tritium release from breeding blanket materials in high magnetic field
Abstract Under the operating conditions of a fusion reactor, the blanket materials: ceramic and Be pebbles will be at a high temperature (up to 1123 K), under action of intense radiation (up to 10 19 n m −2 s −1 ) and magnetic field (MF) up to 7–10 T. In order to introduce action of radiation and MF in post-irradiation investigations of the tritium release from the blanket materials, a special rig for thermo-annealing of pre-irradiated samples at a high temperature up to 1120 K under irradiation with fast electrons of 5 MeV and dose rate 14 MGy/h in MF up to 1.7 T was used for this study. A delay of the tritium release in MF of 2.4 T at thermo-annealing of the lithium orthosilicate Li 4 S…
Behaviour of tritium in breeding materials
Abstract The tritium release from ceramic materials of the HCPB under real DEMO operating conditions will depend not only on temperature and neutron flux but also on an intense magnetic field (MF) of 7–9 T. The delay in the tritium release induced by the MF is proportional to the grain size of the ceramics, the squared MF intensity and the abundance ratio of charged tritium forms (T + , T − ) in the grain volume of the ceramics. The effect of MFs of different intensity on the tritium release from the Li 4 SiO 4 pebbles irradiated in the EXOTIC-8 experiment (neutron fluence 2.4 × 10 25 n m −2 , irradiation temperature up to 700 K) was investigated in this study. As a result of the irradiati…