I. Reinholds
Tritium release from beryllium articles for use in fusion devices
Abstract Results obtained on radiation and magnetic field (MF) effects on tritium release at annealing of the beryllium pebbles from the EXOTIC-8-3/13 irradiation are presented in this study and compared with those for other irradiated beryllium materials. Abundance ratios of chemical forms of tritium in the EXOTIC-8-3/13 beryllium pebbles were determined: T 2 – 65%, T 0 – 23%, T + – 12%. A complete detritiation of these pebbles was achieved at 1123 K for 240 min; MF of 2.35 T had no appreciable effect on the tritium release. At 991 K for 240 min, the degree of detritiation was 96.6% without MF; MF of 2.35 T decreased it to 86.7%. At 940 K for 47 min, the degree of detritiation was 60%, 5 M…
Evaluation of radiation stability of electron beam irradiated Nafion® and sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) membranes
Proton exchange membranes (PEM), which have been commonly used in fuel cells have raised interest for the application in harsh environments involving ionizing radiation. Therefore, radiation stability and ability to sustain their functionality under the radiation environment are of great interest. Within this study, electron beam irradiation in dose range from 50 to 500kGy was used to evaluate the effects of radiation on the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of two types of PEM: commercial Nafion®117 and sulfonated poly(ether-ether-ketone) (SPEEK) with high degree of sulfonation (DS = 0.75±0.5). SPEEK membrane presented higher mechanical and thermal stability compared to that of Na…