S. Salemi

Linfoma a cellule B (maltoma) dello stomaco ed infezione da Helicobacter pylori

The authors, after illustrating physiopathologic aspects of gastric MALTomas, examine the H.P. infections and the possible relations between this kind of bacterium and gastric MALTomas. They hypothesize that H.P. infection represents an important predisposition to gastric lymphoma, due to anatomopathological modifications over gastric mucosa. They conclude that a decreasing of gastric lymphoma could be correlatable an opportune eradication of H.P. despite of at moment it's impossible hypothesize a marked decreasing of lymphoma by an eradication of H.P.

research product

A Software Package for a Serum Bank Management

A serum-bank is a collection of human serum samples coming from different locations (in our case Children Hospital, schools, factories, town departemens), allocated in some archives. Principal users of a such data-bank are, of course, physicians and biologists that are mainly interested in statistical analysis (computation of averages, variances factor analysis, etc.) of immunological and epidemiological relevance, in order to investigate about some haematochemical parameters common to some selected subset of the archives [1], [2].

research product

Patterns in words and languages

AbstractA word p, over the alphabet of variables E, is a pattern of a word w over A if there exists a non-erasing morphism h from E∗ to A∗ such that h(p)=w. If we take E=A, given two words u,v∈A∗, we write u⩽v if u is a pattern of v. The restriction of ⩽ to aA∗, where A is the binary alphabet {a,b}, is a partial order relation. We introduce, given a word v, the set P(v) of all words u such that u⩽v. P(v), with the relation ⩽, is a poset and it is called the pattern poset of v. The first part of the paper is devoted to investigate the relationships between the structure of the poset P(v) and the combinatorial properties of the word v. In the last section, for a given language L, we consider …

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