Giovanni Romanelli
Reply to “Comment to ‘Dynamics of supercooled confined water measured by deep inelastic neutron scattering’ by Y. Finkelstein and R. Moreh”
We reply to the comment [Front. Phys. 14(5), 53605 (2019)] by Y. Finkelstein and R. Moreh on our article Front. Phys. 13(1), 138205 (2018). We agree with some of their criticisms about our calculation of the temperature effect on the kinetic energy of hydrogen atoms of supercooled confined water; we also agree with their statement that, in view of the current sensitivity of the technique, possible effects of the liquid-liquid water transition are hardly detected with deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS). However, we disagree with their use of the translational mass ratio of a single water molecule and, in general, with their underestimation of collective effects.
Dynamics of supercooled confined water measured by deep inelastic neutron scattering
In this paper, we present the results of deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) measurements on supercooled water confined within the pores (average pore diameter ~ 20 Ã ) of a disordered hydrophilic silica matrix obtained through hydrolysis and polycondensation of the alkoxide precursor Tetra-Methyl-Ortho-Silicate via the sol-gel method. Experiments were performed at two temperatures (250 K and 210 K, i.e., before and after the putative liquidâliquid transition of supercooled confined water) on a âwetâ sample with hydration h ~ 40% w/w, which is high enough to have water-filled pores but low enough to avoid water crystallization. A virtually âdryâ sample at h ~ 7% was also inve…
Kinetic energy and radial momentum distribution of hydrogen and oxygen atoms of water confined in silica hydrogel in the temperature interval 170–325 K
Water is an ubiquitous liquid and it is necessary for life;. Studies on water are therefore of obvious scientific and .... technological relevance. In view of its peculiar physicalproperties (the so-called water anomalies, particularly relevant at low temperatures [1]), studies on water structureand dynamics in ample temperature intervals, covering also the supercooling region, have attracted much interest in recent years. In particular, studies focused on the supercooled phase are important in order to test theories and hypotheses[2,3], including the liquid-liquid phase transition hypothesis [4-6] and the related fragile-to-strong crossover observed inwater confined in silica matrices and …