Glutamatergic activation of hippocampal phospholipase D: postnatal fading and receptor desensitization.
Abstract: Phospholipase D (PLD) activity was determined in rat hippocampal slices between postnatal days 3 and 35. After birth, basal PLD activity was low and, within 2 weeks, increased to reach a plateau that was maintained up to the adult age. Likewise the response to glutamate developed postnatally to reach a maximum at day 8, but then faded rapidly and was almost absent at day 35. Activation of PLD by 4β-phorbol 12β,13α-dibutyrate (PDB) was independent of age, whereas the effect of aluminum fluoride (AlF4−) increased to a plateau within the first week. At day 8, PLD stimulation by glutamate via metabotropic receptors involved protein kinase C activation, but was independent of Ca2+ infl…