Karl-theodor Sturm
Optimal maps and exponentiation on finite dimensional spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below
We prove existence and uniqueness of optimal maps on $RCD^*(K,N)$ spaces under the assumption that the starting measure is absolutely continuous. We also discuss how this result naturally leads to the notion of exponentiation.
Non-branching geodesics and optimal maps in strong CD(K,∞) -spaces
We prove that in metric measure spaces where the entropy functional is Kconvex along every Wasserstein geodesic any optimal transport between two absolutely continuous measures with finite second moments lives on a non-branching set of geodesics. As a corollary we obtain that in these spaces there exists only one optimal transport plan between any two absolutely continuous measures with finite second moments and this plan is given by a map. The results are applicable in metric measure spaces having Riemannian Ricci curvature bounded below, and in particular they hold also for Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by some constant. peerReview…