Pierre-marc Jodoin
Automatized Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction from Echocardiographic Images Using Graph Cut
In this paper, we present a fast and interactive graph cut method for 3D segmentation of the endocardial wall of the left ventricle (LV) given 3D echocardiographic images. This is a challenging task due to the poor contrast and the low signal-to-noise ratio typical of echocardiographic images. The method is carried out in 3 steps. First, 3D sampling of the LV cavity is made in a spherical-cylindrical coordinate system. Then, a gradient-based energy term is assigned to each voxel, some of which being given an infinite energy to make sure the resulting volume passes through key anatomical points. Then, a graph-cut procedure provides delineation of the endocardial surface. Results obtained on …
Automatic segmentation of the left ventricle from SPECT images of rats
International audience
GridNet with automatic shape prior registration for automatic MRI cardiac segmentation
In this paper, we propose a fully automatic MRI cardiac segmentation method based on a novel deep convolutional neural network (CNN) designed for the 2017 ACDC MICCAI challenge. The novelty of our network comes with its embedded shape prior and its loss function tailored to the cardiac anatomy. Our model includes a cardiac centerof-mass regression module which allows for an automatic shape prior registration. Also, since our method processes raw MR images without any manual preprocessing and/or image cropping, our CNN learns both high-level features (useful to distinguish the heart from other organs with a similar shape) and low-level features (useful to get accurate segmentation results). …