Christiane Roscher

Resources, recruitment limitation and invader species identity determine pattern of spontaneous invasion in experimental grasslands

Summary 1 A number of experimental studies have supported the hypothesis that diversity increases invasion resistance, but several mechanisms were proposed to explain this relationship. We studied spontaneous invasion in experimental grasslands varying in species richness (1–16 (60)) and plant functional group richness and identity (1–4; grasses, legumes, tall herbs small herbs) during the first 3 years after establishment on large-area plots of 20 × 20 m size. 2 Invader species number, biomass and density decreased with increasing community species richness. The identity of successful invaders changed through time as the relative importance of external invaders (= species not belonging to …

research product

Plant diversity effects on aboveground and belowground N pools in temperate grassland ecosystems: Development in the first 5 years after establishment

[1] Biodiversity is expected to improve ecosystem services, e.g., productivity or seepage water quality. The current view of plant diversity effects on element cycling is based on short-term grassland studies that discount possibly slow belowground feedbacks to aboveground diversity. Furthermore, these grasslands were established on formerly arable land associated with changes in soil properties, e.g., accumulation of organic matter. We hypothesize that the plant diversity-N cycle relationship changes with time since establishment. We assessed the relationship between plant diversity and (1) aboveground and soil N storage and (2) NO3-N and NH4-N availability in soil between 2003 and 2007 in…

research product

Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in experimental grasslands of variable diversity.

Previous research has shown that plant diversity influences N and P cycles. However, the effect of plant diversity on complete ecosystem N and P budgets has not yet been assessed. For 20 plots of artificially established grassland mixtures differing in plant diversity, we determined N and P inputs by bulk and dry deposition and N and P losses by mowing (and subsequent removal of the biomass) and leaching from April 2003 to March 2004. Total deposition of N and P was 2.3 +/- 0.1 and 0.2 +/- 0.01 g m(-2) yr(-1), respectively. Mowing was the main N and P loss. The net N and P budgets were negative (-6.3 +/- 1.1 g N and -1.9 +/- 0.2 g P m(-2) yr(-1)). For N, this included a conservative estimat…

research product

Does plant diversity influence phosphorus cycling in experimental grasslands?

Plant diversity was shown to influence the N cycle, but plant diversity effects on other nutrients remain unclear. We tested whether plant species richness or the presence/absence of particular functional plant groups influences P partitioning among differently extractable pools in soil, P concentrations in soil solution, and exploitation of P resources (i.e. the proportion of total bioavailable P in plants and soil that was stored in aboveground biomass) by the plant community in a 5-year biodiversity experiment in grassland.The experimental grassland site established in 2002 had 82 plots with different combinations of numbers of species (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 60) and functional groups (grasses,…

research product

Soil and Plant Nitrogen Pools as Related to Plant Diversity in an Experimental Grassland

Increasing plant species richness decreases soil NO 3 - concentrations in experimental plant mixtures, but the role of particular plant functional groups has remained unclear. Most analyses have focused on particular times of the year or were restricted to NO 3 - . We tested whether plant species richness or particular plant functional groups affect the size of plant-available N pools in soil (KCl-extractable NO 3 - , dissolved inorganic N and organic N [DON] and total dissolved N [TDN] in soil solution) and N concentrations and pools in aboveground biomass. Furthermore, we assessed seasonal variations in the effects of plant species richness and plant functional groups. The experimental gr…

research product