Hannu L.t. Heikkinen
Koulutuksen tutkimuksen arkkitehtuurit
Education for planetary well-being
The aim of this chapter is to present how education can promote planetary well-being as well as what the adoption of the planetary well-being means for education. The main objective is to explore theoretical perspectives on the new concept education for planetary well-being by examining its underlying philosophical assumptions and by introducing related approaches in the field of education. There exist several initiatives and frameworks that have aimed to make education more sustainable and just, but many of these are based on the concept of sustainable development and have considerable limitations regarding their potential to address the ecological crisis and bring about urgently needed so…
Promoting Cooperation between Educational Institutions and Workplaces : Models of Integrative Pedagogy and Connectivity Revisited
This theoretical review reflects on the development and application of the Integrative Pedagogical model as well as the Connective model investigating the organisation of learning in the interface between educational institutions and workplaces. The article explores the aspects that these two models emphasise, and identifies similarities and differences between them. Key studies on these approaches were reviewed to accomplish the task. The review shows how integrative pedagogy takes the individual’s learning as its starting point and how educators can support students by encouraging them to combine theoretical knowledge, experience and self-regulation in learning. While this model is pedago…
Learning at the interface of higher education and work : Experiences of students, teachers and workplace partners
Connectivity between education and workplaces is often seen as a central element in preparing students for the future labour market. This chapter presents findings from a study that examined strengthening the connectivity between Finnish higher education institutions and workplaces. The study focused on 11 work-related study modules where students carried out commissioned assignments or projects from companies or public sector organisations. The data were collected by interviewing 88 students, 35 teachers, and 17 workplace partners. Theory-driven and data-driven qualitative analyses focused on how students, teachers and workplace partners described the presage, process and product factors o…
Dialogi ja vertaisuus mentoroinnissa
Onko tasavertainen dialogi mahdollista mentoroinnissa? Ehdotamme mentoroinnin tarkasteluun mallia, joka auttaa välttämään toisaalta autoritaarisuuden ja hierarkkisuuden, toisaalta naiivit odotukset täydellisestä tasa-arvosta. Tarkastelemme dialogisuuden mahdollisuutta mentoroinnissa kolmella eri tasolla – eksistentiaalisella, episteemisellä ja juridis-eettisellä. Mentorointi voisi parhaimmillaan olla kahden ihmisen välistä vuorovaikutusta, joka perustuu vastavuoroiseen luottamukseen ja toisen tietojen, taitojen ja osaamisen arvostamiseen. Mentoroitavan ja mentorin dialogin lähtökohtana on ennen muuta vastavuoroinen tunnustuksen antaminen eksistentiaalisella tasolla. peerReviewed
Vocational Education and Training Institutions' Collaboration with the World of Work from the Perspective of Actor Networks and Ecosystems of Learning
Vocational and professional education institutions, as well as higher education institutions, are more and more expected to collaborate with the world of work and each other. At the same time, the boundaries of organisations have become somewhat blurred. Employers may be subcontractors for a larger firm or subdivisions of an enterprise (organisation) may serve their headquarters through digital connections on the other side of the globe. As a result, the forms and cultures of organisations that educational institutions are expected to collaborate with have become rather complex and difficult to figure out. In order to better understand the complexities of the collaborative practices that ed…
Virtues of Mentors and Mentees in the Finnish Model of Teachers’ Peer-group Mentoring
This study investigated participants’ conceptions of the ideal mentor and mentee in the Finnish model of peer-group mentoring (PGM). Existing mentoring research emphasises dyadic practices, yet there is a lack of investigation of participants’ roles in group mentoring. The main concepts of this inquiry were dispositions (habitus) and virtues drawing on the theory of practice architectures and Aristotelian virtue philosophy. Methodologically, the study can be identified as philosophical-empirical inquiry that utilises a narrative and hermeneutical approach to analyse qualitative data from 30 respondents. As its central finding, the study identified a set of core characteristics that describe…
Liikuntakasvatuksen eetos
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan liikuntakasvatuksen eetosta koulujen liikunnanopetuksen ja liikunnanopettajakoulutuksen perustana. Liikuntakasvatuksen eetos tarkoittaa liikunnanopetuksen toimintaa ohjaavia rakenteita, käytänteitä, tottumuksia, tapoja, uskomuksia ja arvostuksia. Artikkelin perimmäinen tarkoitus on pohtia, missä määrin urheilun eetos heijastuu liikunnanopetuksen eetokseen. Artikkeli perustuu filosofiseen näkökulmaan, jonka pohjalta tarkastellaan opettajien käsityksiä liikunnanopetuksesta ja siihen liittyvästä asiantuntijuudesta. Aineistona on Opettaja-lehdessä syksyllä 2011 käyty keskustelu tästä teemasta. Filosofisella tasolla tarkastellaan ensin eetoksen käsitteen merkitystä yle…