Oskari Koskela

Musiikkikokemuksen käsitteellistäminen : empiirinen tutkimus musiikkiin liittyvien kokemusten affektiivisista luonnehdinnoista

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin tapoja sanallistaa musiikkiin liittyviä subjektiivisia kokemuksia. Lähtökohdaksi otettiin aiemmassa tutkimuksessa korostuneen emootionäkökulman sijaan optimaalisiin kokemuksiin ja muuttuneisiin tajunnantiloihin viittaavat tuntemusluonnehdinnat. Tarkoituksena oli selventää näiden luonnehdintojen yleisyyttä ja sopivuutta musiikin yhteydessä, sekä havainnoida musiikin kuuntelun yleisyydestä ja musiikin harrastamisesta juontuvia eroja tuntemusten sanallistamisen suhteen. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin verkkokyselyllä, jota jaettiin ainejärjestöjen sähköpostilistojen kautta Jyväskylän yliopiston opiskelijoille. Kysely koostui kolmestakymmenestä aiemmista tutkimuksista…

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Välikatsaus pelimusiikin tutkimuksen moniäänisyyteen

 As videogames are being increasingly recognized as a prominent cultural force, there is also a growing interest in the study of video game music within academia. Published in 2021, The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music is the most recent milestone in establishing video game music research as a credible field of research. The book situates itself naturally on the same continuum with the founding of the Ludomusicology Research Group in 2011 and the launch of the Journal of Sound and Music in Games in 2020. With twenty-four chapters and over four hundred pages, the Companion is probably the largest and most comprehensive collection on game music studies so far. The overarc…

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Understanding Human–Technology Relations Within Technologization and Appification of Musicality

In this paper, we outline a theoretical account of the relationship between technology and human musicality. An enactive and biocultural position is adopted that assumes a close coevolutionary relationship between the two. From this position, we aim at clarifying how the present and emerging technologies, becoming embedded and embodied in our lifeworld, inevitably co-constitute and transform musical practices, skills, and ways of making sense of music. Therefore, as a premise of our scrutiny, we take it as a necessity to more deeply understand the ways that humans become affiliated to the ever-changing instruments of music technology, in order to better understand the coevolutionary impact …

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Pelimusiikin käyttötavat ja funktiot suomalaisten arjessa

The uses and functions of game music in everyday life
 The premise of this article is the idea that games and their music do not only relate to playing, but are also part of people’s musical practices outside of the actual gameplay situation. However, so far very little research has been done on the meanings of game music outside of gaming. In this study, we aim for a broader understanding of people’s relationship with game music by examining how game music is used outside of the context of gaming. The empirical analysis of the article is based on two datasets collected in Finland. The primary material consists of written stories (N=183) about personally meaningful game music memories.…

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Digital Games as a Source of English Vocabulary for Finnish Writers

The material for this paper comes from Finnish people who wrote about their experiences of the music of digital games. We collected 184 texts, all but one written in Finnish. There is relatively little code-switching into English at the clause level, but the vocabulary of the texts is influenced by English on a continuum from clearly English words such as comfy to established loanwords such as uniikki (‘unique’). We will consider how the influence of the English language used both in the games and in discussions about them characterizes the vocabulary of these texts and how the English language enables the authors to enter the game world. peerReviewed

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Understanding Human-Technology Relations Within Technologization and Appification of Musicality

In this paper, we outline a theoretical account of the relationship between technology and human musicality. An enactive and biocultural position is adopted that assumes a close coevolutionary relationship between the two. From this position, we aim at clarifying how the present and emerging technologies, becoming embedded and embodied in our lifeworld, inevitably co-constitute and transform musical practices, skills, and ways of making sense of music. Therefore, as a premise of our scrutiny, we take it as a necessity to more deeply understand the ways that humans become affiliated to the ever-changing instruments of music technology, in order to better understand the coevolutionary impact …

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Linkages Between Gameplay Preferences and Fondness for Game Music

In this paper we explore connections between players’ preferences in gameplay and their desire to listen to game music. Music always takes place in cultural contexts and the activity of music listening is likewise entangled with versatile cultural practices. This is arguably evident in the case of game music since the primary context of encountering it is the active and participatory experience of gameplay. By analyzing survey data (N = 403) collected from the UK, we investigate how contextual preferences in gameplay activities predict fondness for game music. It was found that player preference for Aggression and Exploration are two precedents for liking game music. These findings indicate…

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Ironinen kulutus ja epälegitiimin musiikin suosiminen

Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan musiikkia ironisen kulutuksen viitekehyksessä. Lähtökohtana on ajatus ironisesta kuuntelutyylistä, jonka taustalla on Ien Angin (1985) Dallas-televisiosarjan katsojia käsittelevässä tutkimuksessaan esittämä ironinen katseluasenne. Ang tarkoittaa tällä television katselutapaa, jolla ”huonoksi” koetun ohjelman seuraaminen muutetaan nautinnolliseksi kokemukseksi tekemällä siitä pilkan kohde ja näin kääntämällä sen merkitys päinvastaiseksi. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka tällainen ironisen vastaanoton ajatus sopii ”huonoksi” koetun musiikin kuuntelemisen jäsentämiseen ja minkälaisia näkemyksiä kuuntelijoilla itsellään on sitä kohtaan. Koettu ”huonous”…

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In Pursuit of Measuring Pre-reflective Music Listening Experiences

While the diverse effects and uses of music and sound have been extensively documented within music psychology, relatively little attention has been paid to the process and experience of listening itself. Previous literature have, however, considered different ways of attending to sounds via the concept of listening modes, which highlights the different ways and strategies through which listeners intentionally orientate themselves to the activity of listening and creating the experiential meaning of the sound. In this paper, we continue on these lines by focusing on the very basic attentional dispositions for listening that often remain unconscious. As op posed to more deliberate and intent…

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Käsitemetaforan näkökulma pelimusiikin henkilökohtaiseen merkityksellisyyteen

The perspective of conceptual metaphor on personal meaningfulness of game music
 The use of metaphors is prevalent when talking about music in everyday life as well as in more professional contexts. As such, the role of metaphors in describing and understanding music has been a topic for philosophical discussions and more recently also for empirical research. While most of the focus has traditionally been on the meaning of music, in this article we consider metaphors as related to the personal meaningfulness of music. More specifically, we investigate metaphoric expressions in personal narratives of fond game music memories, aiming to understand what the metaphors tell about the relati…

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Identifying the Impact of Game Music both Within and Beyond Gameplay

This paper presents an overview of and a brief critical reflection on game music’s impact on players both within and beyond the context of gameplay. The analysis is based both on the current literature as well as on preliminary (work-in-progress) observations of our research project Game Music Everyday Memories. We consider how the functions and uses of game music potentially extend to people’s everyday life, thus constituting a personally and culturally meaningful relationship with music that is not immediately connected to gameplay. On the other hand, we consider the ways game music and a person’s attachment to the music are involved in gameplay motivation and potential game retention. As…

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Investigating metaphors of musical involvement : Immersion, flow, interaction and incorporation

The concept of immersion, despite being relatively unknown within music research, presents a potentially productive way for understanding the well acknowledged phenomenon of "being drawn into music". This paper 1) discusses immersion as a metaphor for conceptualizing musical involvement by drawing on the research into video games and virtual reality and 2) aims to clarify the metaphor of immersion by utilizing the concept of image schema to analyze it in relation to alternative metaphors of flow, interaction and incorporation. The theoretical stance of the paper is based on the paradigm of enactive cognitive sciences, which stresses the bodily, constructive and interactive nature of experie…

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