Pertti Matilainen

Liikuntapaikkapalvelut ja väestön tasa-arvo : seurantatutkimus liikuntapaikkapalveluiden muutoksista 1998–2009

research product

Sponsorship in the Finnish sports culture

AbstractThe theoretical assumptions explored with this paper are based on previous sociological studies concerning change in the field of sports. According to previous studies, international top-level sport is characterized by professionalism and a dissociation from the voluntary organizational field of sport. Top-level sports have become professional activities in internationally significant sports. In contrast to this, children’s and youth sports are still based on voluntary participation in Finland. The links between sports and economy have become even stronger since sport has become more professional, especially where sponsorship in toplevel sports has increased. However, sponsorship is…

research product

Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

research product

Seurantatutkimus Työväen Urheiluseurojen muuttuvista näkemyksistä

The main aim of the study is to investigate the current role and future perspectives of the sports clubs of the Finnish Workers Sport Federation (Suomen Työväen Urheiluliitto, TUL) by two online surveys made in 2005 and 2018. The response rates were 23 % and 25 % (n=257 & n=200) of the clubs. According to the surveys, the working-class ideology is being replaced by an ideology of well-being, which signifies physical activity, health and equality. To activate children and youth was and will be the most significant task of the clubs, which clearly points out the strategic orientation of the clubs. The main financial assets of the clubs were volunteers, and direct and indirect support from the…

research product

Perceived goal setting practices across a competitive season

Goal setting is an effective and frequently used tool for performance enhancement in sports. However, in the previous studies, the focus has been on goal effectiveness among individual male athletes and at one point in time. Therefore, the purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine goal setting practices in women’s sport teams across a competitive season from players’ individual and team perspectives. A total of 146 female players representing 24 teams in ice hockey, ringette, or floorball completed three online surveys. Surveys focused on setting outcome, process, and performance goals, as well as evaluating the follow-through of setting goals and actually reaching these goals acro…

research product

Erilaiset liikuntatoimet yhteisellä asialla

Kuntien liikuntapäätökset vaikuttavat koko kansaan. Kuntakoko määrittää pitkälti voimavarat, mutta kaikki kunnat yrittävät tarjota liikuntapalveluita. nonPeerReviewed

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