Kirsi Vehkakoski

Extracting locations from sport and exercise-related social media messages using a neural network-based bilingual toponym recognition model

Funding: This study is a part of the “Equality in suburban physical activity environments, YLLI” research project (in Finnish: Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö, YLLI). The project is being financed by the research program about suburban in Finland “Lähiöohjelma 2020-2022” coordinated by the Ministry of Environment (grant recipient: Dr. Petteri Muukkonen). Sport and exercise contribute to health and well-being in cities. While previous research has mainly focused on activities at specific locations such as sport facilities, “informal sport” that occur at arbitrary locations across the city have been largely neglected. Such activities are more challenging to observe, but this challenge may…

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Liikuntapaikkapalvelut ja väestön tasa-arvo : seurantatutkimus liikuntapaikkapalveluiden muutoksista 1998–2009

research product

Assessing travel time-based accessibility to outdoor ice skating fields for children in Helsinki during the COVID-19 pandemic

This paper was written within the research project called “Equality in suburban physical activity environments, YLLI” (in Finnish: Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö, YLLI) funded by the Suburban Programme 2020–2022 (in Finnish: Lähiöohjelma 2020–2022, decision number VN/10837/2020). Informal sport is central to Finnish children’s leisure and physical activity time. This paper aims to build a better understanding of the travel time-based accessibility to informal sports facilities, specifically to ice skating fields, for children and adolescents (aged 7–19) in the city of Helsinki. We focused on the winter of 2020–2021 because COVID-19 restrictions on indoor activities resulted in ice skat…

research product

Lipas-data 9/2020

Lipas-sport facilities as points (shapefile), Lipas-outdoor routes as lines (shapeifle) and Lipas-recreational areas as polygons (shapefile). Lipas-basic attributes as excel-file. Lipas-data is open data under Licence CC4.0 International.

research product

Lipas-data 12/2018

This data includes all sport facilities in Lipas-database in 19.12.2018 and basic attribute information of the places. The data is classified and each sport facility has it's own Lipas-id. The data is provided as Esri Shapefiles (points, routes and areas) and excel files in finnish, swedish and english. All the data is open data under CC4.0 Nimeä conditions.

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Lipas-data 2/2018

Up-to-date upload from Lipas liikuntapaikat.fi database as shapefiles and excel and csv-formats. Under license cc4.0 International.

research product

Lipas-data 10/2019

Lipas is national sport facility database which is updated by municipal sport sector officers and administred by Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of University of Jyväskylä. This data includes Lipas-data as shapefile .zip: routes, facilities and outdoor areas. Facilities are classified in facility types and data includes attribute information about ownership of facilities.

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Lipas-data 4/2021

Lipas-sport facilities, outdoor routes and recreational areas in shapefile format. More information in www.lipasinfo.fi and www.lipas.fi.

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Lipas-data 7/2015

Lipas-database situation in 7/2015. Files are in shapefile-format, EPSG:3067 coordinates (Euref-fin) and UTF-8 encoding. Point data, route data and area data of sport facilities, recreational and outdoor routes and sport facilities in Finland.

research product

Lipas-data 3/2016

Lipas Liikuntapaikat.fi kansallisen liikuntapaikkatietokannan tiedot on kerätty yli 20 vuoden aikana verkostomaisessa yhteistyössä kuntien, lajiliittojen, virkistysalueyhdistysten, Suomen Kuntaliiton, liikunnan aluehallinnon ja opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön kanssa. Tietokannan tiedot ovat jatkuvasti ylläpidettäviä. Tietojen ylläpidosta vastaavat kuntien liikuntatoimen henkilöstö. Lipas-tietokantaa hallinnoi Jyväskylän yliopiston liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta ja rahoittaa opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö. Lisätietoja www.liikuntapaikat.fi ja www.lipasinfo.fi. Aineiston käyttö CC 4.0 Nimeä-lisenssin mukaisesti. Use of data under CC4.0 licence.

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