Francesco Celani

Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor: Simple Solutions to Deep Questions

Unified Field Theory was an expression first used by Einstein in his attempt to unify general relativity with electromagnetism. Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor attempts to provide real answers to foundational questions related to this unification and should be of high interest to innovative scientists. A diverse group of contributing authors approach an old problem with an open-mindedness that presents a new and fresh perspective. The following topics are discussed in detail in the hope of a fruitful dialogue with all who are interested in this subject: The composition of electrons, photons, and neutrinos. The relationship of quantum mechanics to general relativity. The four-componen…

research product

Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam's Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions

We introduce and use the space-time Clifford algebra, showing that only one fundamental physical entity is sufficient to describe the origin of electromagnetic fields, charges and currents: the electromagnetic four-potential. This simplified electromagnetic model turns out to be an improved understanding of electromagnetism. The obtained electromagnetic Lagrangian is the simplest possible relativistic Lagrangian formulation. Quantum mechanical relations follow naturally from this model, and we derive the electromagnetic formulation of the Dirac equation. The spinor field is shown to correspond to electromagnetic energy-momentum, and the complex-valued probability density is shown to corresp…

research product