A Pasquale
Variabilità dell’olio essenziale di finocchio (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) per effetto di trattamenti agronomici
Il Finocchio da seme (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), è una specie erbacea annuale o biennale della famiglia delle Apiaceae (ex Ombrellifere), spontanea e largamente diffusa all’interno del bacino del mediterraneo, di cui si utilizzano i frutti (comunemente detti “semi”) come aromatizzanti in numerosi preparati tradizionali e come base per la preparazione di diversi composti di interesse farmaceutico ed alimentare. Il presente lavoro illustra i risultati ottenuti a seguito di un’indagine sulla composizione dell’olio essenziale di finocchio, eseguita utilizzando materiale proveniente da un triennio (2004-2006) di prove agronomiche di controllo delle infestanti svolte in ambiente mediterraneo (Cam…
The use of low molecular weight heparin in a Sicilian teaching hospital
LMWH are replacing unfractionated heparin (UFH) for therapeutic anticoagulation owing to their more predictable pharmacokinetics and ease of use. Especially in Sicily, their prescription volume is steadily increasing in general practice, but little is known about their use in the hospital setting. We investigated LMWH use at the Policlinico Universitario P. Giaccone of Palermo by examining the records of drug dispensation to the wards in the years 2010-2012. From 2010 to 2012 the use of LMWH at Policlinico of Palermo remained stable with a mean of 71 DDD/100 bed days (range 69-73) of drugs dispensed. Enoxaparin, nadroparin and reviparin were the most prescribed molecules, accounting each on…
Uso degli inibitori di pompa protonica in un Policlinico Universitario
Summary Introduction Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are highly prescribed drugs in Italy and in particular in the Sicilian region but little is known about their use in the hospital setting. Materials and methods PPI utilization and related costs were reviewed retrospectively by examining the pharmaceutical records of drug dispensation to the various wards of the Policlinico Universitario P. Giaccone of Palermo in 2010. Differences in the prescribing rates and drug preferences among the different clinical wards were analyzed. Results A total of 20,420 patients were hospitalized at the Policlinico of Palermo in 2010. Overall, the consumption of PPIs was 120 DDD/100 bed-days for the year 2010 …