M.a Cruz Romeo
El reotismo nobiliario en la agricultura valenciana del siglo XIX
RESUMENEl artículo discute los caracteres sociales de la nobleza terrateniente y el papel de la propiedad «rentista» en el desarrollo agrario valenciano del siglo XIX. En la primera parte se estudia la nobleza propietaria a mediados del siglo XIX y se cuestiona la tesis de su continuidad respecto a los antiguos señores feudales. En la segunda se destaca, a través del estudio de un patrimonio de la nobleza sin título, que la gestión era, a la vez, «rentista» y «empresarial», y se intenta explicar la lógica de este comportamiento.
Leaseholders in Capitalist Arcadia: Bourgeois Hegemony and Peasant Opportunities in the Valencian Countryside during the Nineteenth Century
Scholars tend to interpret the European peasantry's incorporation into mass politics at the beginning of the twentieth century in terms of two equally extreme situations, citing either the peasantry's support for traditional oligarchies, or its anti-capitalist radicalism. By contrast, this article explores how the confluence between a broad network of peasant families and leased agricultural properties in the Valencian region of Spain helped generate mass support for an anti-liberal (and eventually Francoist) legal system. The authors highlight the uniqueness of the social and productive context of Valencian agriculture during the late 1800s and early 1900s, as well as the tensions that exi…