R. Von Kries
Durchimpfungsraten bei Kindern in Deutschland 1999
Hintergrund. Daten aus Einschulungsuntersuchungen sind in Deutschland die einzig verfugbare Information zu Durchimpfungsraten bei Kindern. Diese Erhebung ist fraglich reprasentativ und erlaubt keine Beurteilung “zeitgerechter” Impfungen. Valide Daten zur Vollstandigkeit und zum Zeitpunkt der Impfung wurden deshalb 1999 in einer reprasentativen Stichprobe erhoben. Methode. Der Impfstatus von 837 Kindern wurde in 775 von 1345 bevolkerungsreprasentativen Haushalten mit Kindern unter 3 Jahren per Telefoninterview erfragt. Analysiert wurden Daten von 367 Kindern im Alter von 19–35 Monaten (geb. Juli 1996–November 1997). Berechnet wurden Pravalenzen mit exakten 95%-Konfidenzintervallen zu den Alt…
Detection of delayed vaccinations: a new approach to visualize vaccine uptake
For the prevention of pertussis and invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infections, each with a peak for mortality and serious complications in the first year of life, early vaccination is important and needs adequate monitoring. In a 1999 national coverage survey the timing of uptake of these vaccines in German children was therefore assessed conventionally at defined age thresholds and with a new adaptation of the Kaplan–Meier (KM) method estimating immunization uptake over time by 1 minus the survival function s(t). Only 6% and 9% of children were vaccinated against pertussis and Hib in accordance with the national recommended primary vaccination schedule. Coverage levels for th…
Epidemiology of pneumococcal disease in children in Germany
UNLABELLED Recently published and as yet unpublished data allow a reasonable estimate of the annual burden of pneumococcal disease in Germany. At least 277,000 episodes of otitis media and at least 2,000 episodes of sinusitis occur in children under the age of 5 y. Pneumococcal meningitis was found in 200 children under the age of 16 y; the estimate for all age groups ranges from 450 to 1100 cases. Of approximately 150,000 cases of ambulatory pneumococcal pneumonia, at least 63,000-105,000 patients are hospitalized each year. CONCLUSION Further studies of pneumococcal epidemiology in Germany are needed, and continued surveillance will be necessary for a better understanding of the overall b…