Ewa Ganowicz
Zasada subsydiarności w organizacji i funkcjonowaniu samorządu terytorialnego w III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
The principle of subsidiarity in organisation and functioningof the local government in the Third Republic of PolandThis article aims to show the impact of subsidiarity on the shape and functioning of self-government at the local level after the political transformation in the Republic of Poland. The analysis covers the main determinants of implementation of the principle of subsidiarity — from the territorial ones, determining the place of local government in the organizational structure of the State, those relating to the distribution of power public tasks and competence to perform them between the central government and the local government degree of autonomy and between local government…
The Rivalry Strategies of Political Parties in Elections to the Assembly of Citizens of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The author undertakes to discuss the problem of rivalry strategies of political parties in elections to the Citizens’ Assembly of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The broadness and multidimensional character of the subject area requires moving beyond the limits of political science and entering other related domains, like broadly-conceived historical sciences, also reaching for a number of establishments within legal-historical domains. Firmly grounded historical, legal, polity-related and political aspects of the unification of Germany in the context of German federalism, encouraged and obligated the author, to attempt to bring the above problem up to date. I think that thanks to a …
Specyfika partyjnej rywalizacji politycznej w wyborach do samorządu terytorialnego w roku 2014 na przykładzie województwa opolskiego
Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, jak przebiega rywalizacja polityczna na poziomie samorządowym w woj. opolskim, tzn. czy lokalne podmioty skutecznie współzawodniczą z partiami politycznymi i czy ostateczny rezultat wpisuje się w specyfikę elekcji na poziomie subnarodowym (tzn., czy upartyjnienie wzrasta wraz ze szczeblem samorządu), czy też odznacza się jakimiś cechami charakterystycznymi. W tym celu przeprowadzona została analiza statystyczna wyników wyborów samorządowych 2014 roku, uwzględniająca partyjne komitety wyborcze oraz komitet wyborczy Mniejszości Niemieckiej, który traktujemy jak protopartię. Analizie podlegała zarówno liczba kandydatów, jak i liczba wybranych radnych oraz wójtów,…
An Overview of Attitude Towards Selected Aspects of Electoral Programs of Polish Political Groups Taking Part in the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament
Elections to the European Parliament (EP), because of its role in establishing the legal order in member states of the European Union (EU), should become increasingly crucial among all the direct elections in which Poles participate in our country’s political system. But the results of analyses carried out by various research institutions indicate that, in Polish public opinion, the elections to the EP are the least important in terms of the meaning they have for Poles. Since the start of their organization, these elections have consistently come second (in terms of significance) to domestic elections – Presidential, Parliamentary, and local. Yet these elections, for many reasons, were act…
A Borderland and the Local Authority
In the era of globalization, unifi cation and the disappearance of borders, paradoxically, increasingly important is their determination, stressing the diversity, regionalization eff orts to achieve autonomy. Th is is evident in the ongoing scientific discussion at the junction of many areas where there is the issue of the border is quite clearly marked. Th ese considerations place them in the context of politics, and therefore power, but located locally. This authority, its scope, instruments are determined by the nature of the border, which is analyzed in relation to the center. Th us, they are seen as places where all processes are either specific or autonomous in relation to those occur…