M.c. García-álvarez-coque
Secondary Chemical Equilibria in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
The addition of reagents to an RPLC mobile phase enables the separation of ionizable compounds, inorganic anions, and metal ions using conventional instrumentation, silica-based materials, and hydro-organic mixtures, thanks to a variety of secondary equilibria. This gives rise to several chromatographic modes, whose main features are outlined in this chapter. The effect of the mobile phase pH on the retention of ionizable compounds is described, together with the recommended experimental practice. The mechanism of adsorption of amphiphilic anions or cations on the stationary phase to attract analytes with opposite charge or suppress the silanol activity is discussed. Different reagents, suc…
Solvent Selection in Liquid Chromatography
Abstract Many solvents can be used to prepare mobile phases in liquid chromatography. Also, mixtures of solvents at different ratios are used to modify the mobile phase properties. This can make solvent selection for method development a hard task, unless suitable guidelines are followed. This chapter summarizes the most common strategies used by skilled chromatographists in reversed-phase, normal-phase, and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. These are based on considerations about the global polarity of solutes, stationary phase and mobile phase, which determine the elution strength, and on the particular profile of the contributions of intermolecular interactions to the global…